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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Chapter 3 part 1 Like a lunatic with ease.

Huang Mao couldn't break free, but his mouth was still not clean: "I didn't expect you to be quite a character, Lao Tzu likes this..."

He stopped mid-sentence as the person in front of him suddenly smiled faintly.

It wasn't a normal smile, but cold and creepy. He only slightly hooked the corner of one side of his lips, and this already brought a sense of unprovoked oppression.

Huang Mao swallowed, and at that moment he felt a little hairy in his heart. (I believe this means he was scared)

"If you frown and avoid me when you see me like others do," Jiang Lu spoke in a low voice," Then I'll be too lazy to do anything to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lu's wrist turned, and Huang Mao's wrist gave a crisp "click". The sound of the joints sounded, and as soon as he let out a scream from his mouth, he was kicked in the stomach by Jiang Lu, and he fell half a meter.

Jiang Lu hit really hard, Huang Mao was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach and trembling. When several of his companions saw this, they immediately rushed up with their fists.

Five or six people beating one person, Qi Anan's nervous heart raised in her throat. She could see clearly just now that although Jiang Lu was half a head taller than Huang Mao, he was not as strong as Huang Mao. Is he the opponent of so many people?

However, Qi Anan thought too much, Jiang Lu was silent, but he did not hesitate at all. Although there were many people on the other side, he did not lose the advantage. Even if a fist fell on him, he was indifferent, as if he didn't feel the pain, and only fought back with more ruthless force.

In such a fierce fight, his face was expressionless, his eyes were calm and unwavering, like a lunatic with ease. (TN: roll credits)

Qi Anan suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

The book does not hesitate to describe a beautiful teenager, and tears him apart little by little. From a young age, he was sensible and naïve, with innate tenderness and expectation towards the world, and gradually retreated indifferently to his own corner.

But luckily, luckily she is here and will not drag him into the darkness and will try to give him the sunlight that should be his.

He should have a life without questions of his origin, and a love that knows each other without doubt.

"Jiang Lu! Behind you!" Qi Anan was a little relieved to see that Jiang Lu had no problem with one-to-many fighting, but who knew that the yellow hair Huang Mao just climbed up in the chaos and picked up a stone while they were not resting. The pointed angle was sharp, and the back of Jiang Lu's head was about to be smashed!

However, at the moment before Qi An'an warned him, Jiang Lu had already stooped to avoid it, turned around and hit Huang Mao's chin with an uppercut.

It turned out that he had already noticed it.

Qi An'an looked at the person who was moaning and couldn't get up, and then looked at Jiang Lu, who was the only one standing.

What is rare is that Jiang Lu is actually looking at him. His indifferent pupils have no emotions, but Qi Anan immediately became nervous.

Holy crap, baby goose looked at me! It's been three seconds! The most complete highlight moment for a book fan!

Out of a bunch of opening remarks such as "Are you okay?" "Are you not hurt?" "whatever they say, you take it as a dog barking," Qi Anan couldn't make a choice. No words could express her genuine feeling.

"What are you doing with it?" Jiang Lu spoke first before Qi Anan chose her words.

Jiang Lu's gaze fell on the slate in Qi Anan's hand. The girl's hands which are delicate and soft and as soft as lily petals, holding the thick and heavy brick, seemed out of place.

Qian An was afraid that he would misunderstand, and immediately explained: "I saw that they were going to bully you, I originally wanted to help you, but I didn't expect ..." I didn't expect you to be so capable of fighting, which made me seem stupid.

Jiang Lu was noncommittal, he heard her remind him to be careful behind him just now, she probably didn't want to smash him with this thing.

Then she...

Jiang Lu's eyes flashed with a hesitation that was hard to capture, but soon he chuckled lightly: "You have a lot of tricks, you just picked up the props for acting? To bother you to do so much, this face of mine is rather honored."

Damn, he still misunderstood. Qi Anan wanted to cry, she can only blame the original body that left too bad of an impression. To tell the truth will also make people question.

"No, it's because of..."

But Jiang Lu obviously didn't want to talk to her, so he looked back casually: ""I'm not that particular about it , do not think I don't hit women, and I'll say for the last time, go away."

Qi An'an pouted. Bullshit, you are very particular, you never hit women in the first place. I saw how much you wanted to hammer this villainess in the back, but I didn't see you do it either.

She was scolding him in her stomach, when suddenly a burst of sirens sounded from afar, coming towards them.

Jiang Lu had already raised his legs to leave. When he saw the police car approaching, he was slightly startled and looked at Qi An'an with a complicated expression: "You called the police? "

 She didn't expect this situation when it was over. Qian Ann whispered," It was me... wasn't it because I saw that they have more people and I was afraid you will suffer..."

In her imagination, at this moment, the weak and poor cub should be pressed to the ground and beaten. Of course, it is very likely that she would also be beaten to the ground.

Every time she tried to do something to make a good impression on the cub, it would flop, thought Qi Anan. The big hole in their relationship hadn't been mended yet, and she had poked another hole in it.

He's definitely going to say ruthless things again.

However, Jiang Lu didn't say anything this time. He lowered his eyes and making it impossible to see his emotions.

Huang Mao and several people are habitual offenders. The police uncles know them all. When they saw them, they got angry: "It's you again?! How many times a year have you done this? If you do not cause trouble, you have itchy skin, right?"

As soon as they came up, they were lectured, Huang Mao and the others immediately exploded: "We were beaten! We are the victims! It's him..."

He pointed at Jiang Lu with his finger, and facing Jiang Lu's indifferent gaze, for some reason, his voice became quieter.

Although they were beaten to the ground, Jiang Lu's temperament was really good, and his school uniform was neat and clean, which seemed to be synonymous with good students.

The police uncle came over to him in doubt and asked, "What is going on with you guys?"

Qi An'an waved her phone and hurriedly complained: "Uncle police, I recorded the video, and they started the trouble."

She originally wanted to leave evidence just in case, and she recorded it from the time Huang Mao insulted Jiang Lu, until she found that Jiang Lu did not suffer at all during the fight, and did not record the rest.

Qi Anan showed the video to the police, and explained, "Uncle police, their words are so ugly. My classmate has been learning taekwondo since elementary school, so he must teach them a lesson. He never takes the initiative to cause trouble..."

Jiang Lu stood next to them, his gaze falling on Qi Anan for a long time, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

For the first time, he looked at the girl seriously. When she first transferred fromanother school, I heard someone mention her by chance and knew that she was not ugly, even delicate and beautiful. It's just that she has a gloomy temperament, always with a sense of arrogance and contempt.

Until she confessed to him with an ambiguous look within two days, praising his good-looking face, he was full of disgust towards her.

He hates being told that he is beautiful.

But today, Qi An'an is clearly different from what he imagined, without the arrogance of having no one in sight, and even a somewhat childish childishness. Her eyes are black and white and clear, how good does a person have to be at acting to have such a clear and clean gaze? One eye can be explored to the bottom and is really without any impurities.

But what is her purpose?

He had nothing to look at, Jiang Lu thought indifferently, he only has a gorgeous skin, other than that, there is no reason to keep her eyes on him for a moment.

No matter how beautiful the skin is, it will not be fresh for a long time. She will leave when she is tired of playing. At that time, since her words and deeds were not so disgusting, he would not trouble her in the future.


(Deciding on the chapter name for this one was amusing. Google translate directly gave 'is like a lunatic with ease'. But I usually use at least one other translation website to help me get the title. This time I used 5 because the name google gave and my second site was too different and then it kept tying. The second gave 'Like a wandering madman', so I went to the third website which gave 'Like a maniac'. So I tried a fourth and fifth which both gave ' Like a lunatic with ease'. This basically gave the winner. What amused me with my terrible sense of humor is when I tried to translate just the title without the chapter 3 attached and the others gave basically the same thing but my second choice gave 'Like a maniac who can handle himself' and the third gave 'Like a free-flowing madman'. I got a nice little chuckle while trying to translate the title and another reason I got amused is that I finished this story long before so I don't know what this chapter is about and these titles have me thinking of the ML as a bearded traveller in a white robe wandering around in a wuxia setting as an eccentric drunk.)

Ok, enough of that. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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