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Monday, February 19, 2024

Chapter 1 part 2

 As soon as he finished speaking, the female workers from the silk reeling factory who hadn't noticed them just now moved their eyes over like a flood.

  As if she had touched something dirty, Qiao Lu put her palms on her apron and wiped them in disgust: "I didn't mean it. Who told you to reach so close?"

 She stabbed him with his own words, leaving him speechless.

  "My face is numb because of you, and you say you didn't do it on purpose?"

  Qiao Lu's smile became more and more innocent.

  During the confrontation between the two, more and more people in the workshop looked around, curious, surprised, stunned... Some people even looked in their direction and lowered their heads to whisper.

  Wang Bin couldn't hold his face, his expression changed drastically, and his arms were shaking when he pointed at her.

  "You, you're just a fucking widow. Why are you pretending to be innocent in front of me? I arranged a job for you and you actually want to break off the relationship with me? Qiao Lu, you wouldn't do this to burn bridges, right?"

  It's wrong to tell him at this time, why didn't she tell him when she went through the back door?

  "I said, let's get together and part ways easily. I've only been doing this job for less than a week, and I haven't received any money. I will return the things you gave me. From now on, neither of us will owe the other. "

  At this time, Qiao Lu was surprisingly outspoken. Wang Bin didn't understand. What stimulated the previously submissive and coy little white rabbit?

  The Qiao Lu in front of him seemed to be someone he had never known before.

  However, no matter how carefully he scrutinized it, attempting to find a hint of something wrong. Qiao Lu is that Qiao Lu, with graceful beauty and dazzling eyes. She is so beautiful and gorgeous that just one look at her can make people feel soft in their hearts.

  How could such a delicate and frail woman fall into the water and change her temperament so greatly?

  Unable to figure it out, he gritted his teeth in frustration and made a threatening appearance..

  "Qiao Lu, it's impossible to get together and part ways easily. If you really want to get together and part ways easily, don't work here if you have the ability!"

  Qiao Lu was worried about not having a reason to resign. This is great, Wang Bin directly gave her a way out.

  Almost without thinking, she threw the scissors, clapped her hands, and turned around to leave.

  "If you can’t go on, you can’t go on!"


  The steam from cooking the cocoons permeates the workshop. The female silk reelers roll up the pure white silk threads with their hands and feet quickly. Once the roll is full, they quickly bite the silk threads with their teeth,their action is skillful. They only have time to stop and chat a few words of gossip.

  "An argument?"

  "Seems to be."

  "What are they arguing about?"

  "Hey, hey, she's out, she's out, she's out of the Personnel Department!"

  Everyone's eyes quickly went to the Personnel Department office.

  "Ah, why didn't she come over here and instead go toward the door? Did she really resign?"

  A female worker couldn't sit still and chased Qiao Lu in the direction she left, and ran back within two minutes.

  "She’s gone! I saw her leaving the factory!"

  "Yo! Amazing!"

  "I heard that she came in because of Wang Bin's connections. Why is she willing to leave?"

  "Not only was she willing to leave, but she also gave Wang Bin a slap in the face! Look, his face is still swollen, like a pig's head, haha."

  "Hey, did you hear clearly what she said just now, that Wang Bin pushed her into the lake?"

  "Can’t say, to begin with, Wang Bin is not a good person."

  In an instant, there was endless discussion about Qiao Lu and Wang Bin in the workshop, and the discussion rate remained high. It soon swept the entire workshop and became the most talked about gossip.

  However, all this is no longer related to Qiao Lu. Because she is a temporary worker, the head of the personnel department directly approved her request to resign without asking the reason. The job she does not do, more than one person is lined up to do it.

  Of course, there is no salary either.

  Wang Bin was waiting at the door. He originally thought that Qiao Lu was just putting on a show for him, but he didn't expect that when she came out again, she was no longer an employee of the silk reeling factory.

  He rushed into the personnel department without believing anything. When he asked, Qiao Lu really resigned. When he chased her out, she had already disappeared.


  After crossing over for two days, Qiao Lu felt that the air of the 1980s was so sweet for the first time.

  After the rain, the streets were extremely refreshing; the sky was gray, and the low and old buildings on both sides made Qiao Lu think she was in a nostalgic old photo.

  Looking around, the crowd is filled with gray, blue and black. Occasionally, you can see an unusual flash of bright color on a young girl.

  Qiao Lu was walking on the way to the nursery. There were wide streets on both sides of the road. On the street, there was an old man pushing a tricycle roasting sweet potatoes. Two or three diners were holding the sweet potatoes and covering their hands while eating them. Their teeth were hot, but they also couldn't bear to eat slowly. The aroma could be smelled from a long distance away, and Qiao Lu felt more and more hungry.

  She touches her trouser pockets; they are cleaner than her face...

  At the nursery, Qiao Lu explained the current situation to the administrator, that she had resigned. Logically speaking, she could no longer enjoy employee care benefits. Since the three yuan tuition fee had been paid, the nursery administrator gave her two plans.

  One is to refund half of the fees, and the other is to continue attending the nursery for one semester before dropping out.

  Qiao Lu thought for a while and decided to ask her son's opinion.

  She was led by the administrator to the small class, where the children were playing games under the leadership of the teacher.

  Qiao An is introverted, and because he is not familiar with the children in the class, he does not play with everyone at the moment. He sits alone by the door, neither participating nor causing trouble.

  His two small hands were resting on his thighs, his body was straight and taut, and his patched black cotton-padded jacket was old and gray, and he looked out of place in the crowd.

  A little girl talked to him, but the boy remained silent and ignored others, immersed in his own world.


  Hearing a familiar call, the little guy raised his head and ran towards the door like crazy when he saw the person.


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  1. Hi. I saw that you haven't updated this book in a while and I wanted to ask if I could take over the translation.

    1. did you pick this up?

    2. Hi. I'm totally okay with you translating this story too. It's not like I am the author or owner of it. I still plan to continue translating it myself, just when I have the time according to my schedule.
