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Friday, April 21, 2023

Chapter 4 "Did I tell you to throw it away?" (MTL)

  Yan Yixie frowned and stared at the girl at his feet for a while, his expression was a little strange, but he was still as cold as ice, and ignored her.

 He pushed the wheelchair directly, bypassed Jiang Ning, and went down the courtyard like a bunch of irrelevant garbage.

Jiang Ning quickly got up from the carpet by the door: "Have you had breakfast?"

    "I brought sandwiches." As he spoke, Jiang Ning opened the schoolbag on his back as if showing off some treasure, and carefully took out two The ham sandwich wrapped in plastic wrap was handed over, with a smile on his face: "I made it myself. I got up in the morning and fiddled with it for a long time. It tastes very good!"

    Yan Yixie sat on the wheelchair, looked up at her, and said nothing. Word.

    The courtyard, deep in the weeds, was dead silent.

    Jiang Ning glanced at the pale and gloomy young man, and then at the unsmiling butler standing under the eaves. For a moment, he suspected that he was facing two sculptures.

    She paused, took out two more eggs, and continued to explain in a passionate tone: "Wow! Congratulations to this contestant for guessing correctly, there are two boiled eggs in the schoolbag! There are actually two boiled eggs! I originally wanted to keep it for myself! But seeing you are smart, I will give it to you as a mystery egg!"

    Yan Yixie's expression began to change a bit.

    Jiang Ning was overjoyed, and was about to continue talking to himself, when he saw him looking at him like a fool.

    Jiang Ning: "..."

    Yan Yixie glanced at the egg and sandwich in her hand, and said in a cold tone, "Tell her what I had for breakfast.

    " The butler said apologetically to Jiang Ning: "The young master won't eat such food from roadside stalls for breakfast. His breakfast usually consists of foie gras stewed glutinous rice balls, cheese truffles, secret Atlantic rose salmon, French milk sweet rice porridge, and Soupieri." Yami stewed pine mushrooms..."

    Jiang Ning: "..." Oh! Then you are amazing! Don't be afraid to die!

    Seeing that the atmosphere was stagnant for a while, the butler took the initiative to take the homemade sandwich from Jiang Ning's hand, and said, "Student Jiang, would you like to come in for some food? There are still a few dishes that the young master hasn't touched, and they are still hot." He was younger than when we first met yesterday He was much more kind. When Jiang Ning looked over, he smiled friendly.

  The young man in the wheelchair's face darkened, and he said sullenly, "Don't make any claims."

 Jiang Ning has memories of his previous life, and he is not afraid of Yan Yixie, knowing that he looks cold, as if looking down from above. The devil of all living beings, but also has a soft and fragile side.

So she looked at the housekeeper expectantly: "Okay! Can I go in? I especially like to eat pine mushrooms, and I like other things too. Suck it." This year, the Jiang family was barely well-off, and what they ate at home were ordinary meals. , Even if it's Chinese New Year, you can't eat this kind of big meal. Of course, Jiang Ning doesn't mind if you can have a meal.

What's more, Yan Yixie lived in such a big old castle, he must be very rich, and the chef was also hired first-class, hearing the name of the dishes made him hungry.

 However, without the young master's permission, the housekeeper didn't dare to bring Jiang Ning in.

He glanced at the young master's indifferent back, sighed, and looked at Jiang Ning in embarrassment: "How about another day?"

    Yan Yixie laughed angrily when he heard the conversation between the two behind him, this little girl dared to cheat for drink.

    "There is no other day." Yan Yixie turned the wheelchair, turned around and stared at Jiang Ning coldly: "What are you doing here?"

    Jiang Ning was not at all afraid: "Didn't you say that we are a school, we are on the way, I I want to go to school with you."

    Yan Yixie examined her, his eyes were as sharp as a knife on a snow mountain: "Are you short of money?"


    Jiang Ning froze for a moment.

    Only then did he realize what he was saying.

    Suddenly, she felt a little uncomfortable. In the past ten years of her life, the people who approached him were all for money.

    She whispered: "I didn't come to you for money."

    "That's good." The young man's tone was cold: "I don't have the habit of giving alms to beggars anytime and anywhere."

    His pale face was full of sarcasm: "Lack Go to your adults for pocket money, go to your friends in school if you need teasing playmates, don’t pay attention to me, you will get nothing." Jiang Ning: "..." The butler is under the eaves Looking at the girl standing there dumbfounded, she felt a lot of sweat for the young master in her heart.

    The young master gritted his teeth and lived alone since he was a child, driving away everyone who approached like a lone wolf. This is his way of life. A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl is still a little girl, and she will definitely be scared to cry by him.

    The butler couldn't help but take a step forward, a little worried that Jiang Ning turned away angrily.

    However, the girl did not leave.

    She regained her composure, and the morning sun shone through the gaps in the leaves and sprinkled on her side face, casting a light layer of light on her fair skin.

    She looked at Yan Yixie, sincere and...gentle, and said: "I just want to be your friend... Is this considered tempting?" The housekeeper was stunned for a moment.

    He subconsciously looked at the young master, but the young master didn't even lift his eyelids, his side face was as indifferent as a stone statue, but his finger bones clasped on the armrest slightly exerted force.

    "Friends can also do it unilaterally. It doesn't matter if you don't treat me as a friend, I just treat you as a friend." Jiang Ning smiled again: "Since we are friends, we have to start by visiting." Yan Yi thanked him for his talent. He raised his eyes and looked at her steadily.

    Jiang Ning looked back at him without blinking, trying to make her smile brighter and more friendly.

    Then Yan Yixie turned to the housekeeper without hesitation and said, "Next time I find someone trespassing on a private house, break her leg."

    Jiang Ning: "..." What kind of weird and gloomy little Deng is this? Xi, it's really difficult!

    Fearing that Yan Yixie would really break her leg, and that if she continued to dawdle, she would be late, Jiang Ning could only give up and continue to persuade Yan Yixie to be friends with her.

    She quickly ran towards the carved fence, waving her hands without looking back as she ran: "I'll come back tomorrow! Think about it, do you want to be friends with me tomorrow!" She ran too fast and pretentiously. Tripped by the dense weeds, Jiang Ning's face turned pale, and he almost cried in pain.

    But soon she got up again, patted the ashes on the schoolbag, and disappeared into the bushes like a flying bright yellow rabbit.

    After she left, the villa seemed to be robbed of its vitality in an instant, and fell silent.

    There are no unnecessary sounds, only the occasional lifeless bird call.

    In fact, it is usually like this, but when there is a sound in the villa, it returns to dead silence, which makes people feel particularly uncomfortable.

    The butler walked behind Yan Yixie and handed him the black long-handled umbrella.

    Yan Yixie took it without saying a word.

    The butler hesitated for a while before saying: "This little girl... There are too many weeds here, she must have fallen more than once when walking through, I saw her ankles were scratched a few times." The moment he got up in front of him, a small piece of ankle was exposed under the trousers, slender and lonely, with a few thin bloodstains, like scratches on snow lotus root.

    His face suddenly became a little ugly.

    The butler saw that he lowered his eyes, and the thick eyelashes covered his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression clearly. The butler couldn't figure out his thoughts, so he glanced at the sandwich and boiled eggs in his hand, so he had no choice but to go to the trash can at the entrance throw away.

    "What?" Yan Yixie asked.

    The housekeeper said: "If the young master doesn't want it, I'll throw it away."

    Yan Yixie didn't speak, and the butler continued to walk towards the trash can, but before he had taken two steps, the sound of a wheelchair came, Yan Yixie passed by him, and easily snatched the sandwich from his hand.

    "Did I tell you to throw it away?"


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Chapter 3 Accidentally patched up at your door for a while (MTL)

Xu Mingyi watched Jiang Ning ignore him and walked further and further.

He couldn't help chasing after her and grabbed Jiang Ning's shoulder with his hand: "Hey, Jiang Ning, you're enough! You don't say a word, how do I know what kind of madness you are?

" Answer: "Xu Mingyi, I warn you, don't move your hands and feet casually in the future, pull my hand!"

Xu Mingyi didn't play basketball because he was worried about Jiang Ning's safety. Hearing Jiang Ning say this, he immediately became angry: "Who cares?! If Aunt Zheng didn't tell me to take care of you, do you think I would take care of you?"

Xu Mingyi wiped the sweat from his forehead and strode angrily past Jiang Ning and walked back.

He came to the corner of the street in a blink of an eye.

There was no sound of Jiang Ning's footsteps coming from behind.

Jiang Ning was probably stunned by his yelling, and still stood in place and dropped the golden beans.

It was already dark and it was dangerous to linger on the street.

"I really don't know what these little girls are thinking." Although Xu Mingyi was annoyed, he still frowned and turned back.

As a result, Jiang Ning turned to the opposite road without squinting, and would rather take a detour and stay eight feet away from him.

Xu Mingyi: "..."

At this time, Mother Xu just came back from work on a bicycle and saw this scene.

She glared at Xu Mingyi and stopped in front of Jiang Ning on her bicycle: "Little Jiangning, my hair has been cut, it's even more beautiful! Did my little Yi bully you? Tell my aunt, and my aunt will teach him a lesson for you."

The Xu family is a Kochi family. Xu's father is a university professor, and Xu's mother works in the hospital. The second elder has always been very kind to the Jiang family. When Jiang Ning's mother died in her previous life, Xu's mother helped to bury her and informed Jiang Ning.

Although Jiang Ning was dismayed to promise Xu Mingyi, it was impossible for him to take revenge on Xu Jiaen anyway.

"Hello, Auntie." Jiang Ning had no choice but to stop and say hello.

Mother Xu whispered to her: "Don't know Xiaoyi in the same way, he is just used to being proud, self-righteous, and refuses to bow his head."

Jiang Ning said nothing.

Mother Xu then glared at Xu Mingyi again, how much wrong did this kid have to do to make Jiang Ning ignore him?

Xu Mingyi looked inexplicable.

Mother Xu tried to ease the atmosphere between the two children, and smiled at Jiang Ning: "Tomorrow morning, Xu Mingyi and his father will send Xu Mingyi to participate in the city competition. Would you like to join us? His father bought Lego, you can go to After playing in the car for a while, my aunt took you to school."

"Mom." Xu Mingyi said angrily, "I'm going to participate in the competition, what are you doing with this sticky guy?"

But he couldn't help but pricked up his ears.

In the end, Jiang Ning politely refused: "I'm sorry, Auntie, I have made an appointment with Lan Zhenzhen tomorrow morning to go to the newly opened KFC for breakfast." Xu

Mingyi: "..."

Xu's mother can only say: "Alright then, you two little girls pay attention to safety."

Jiang Ning nodded without looking at Xu Mingyi, and left.

After she left, Mother Xu glared at Xu Mingyi again: "Did you make little Jiangning angry again? Hurry up and apologize to her." "I just didn't take her with me when I was fishing a few days ago,     what

    's the matter?"

When she went to play basketball today, she saw Hu Qiqi with them. But that's because Si Xiangming wants to chase Hu Qiqi, what's his business?

...The little girl has a big temper, and Jiang Ning is especially temperamental.

Xu Mingyi waved his hand and didn't take it too seriously: "She is so clingy all day, she goes wherever I go, and the boys who play basketball with me all laugh at me for having a tail behind me. Let me be quiet for a few days."

Mother Xu shook her head: "Jiang Ning doesn't play Lego with you anymore."

Xu Mingyi didn't take it seriously: "Didn't she already say that she has an appointment with her good friend? If it wasn't for an appointment, why didn't she send me to the competition? She used to go every year. Don't worry about it, she will be fine in a few days. It 's over."


Here Jiang Ning went home, ignoring Jiang's father who was reading the newspaper in the living room, and went directly to the second floor to find Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan has been more rebellious than Jiang Ning in the past two years. The schoolbag thrown on the ground was so empty that he didn't even bother to put the textbooks in. It was full of game cards and game coins.

His neck was blue and purple, and he was closing the door with his legs crossed on the table. He put purple potion on his knees, and he didn't know where he went to fight again.

Jiang Ning pushed the door open directly.

When Jiang Fan saw Jiang Ning's short hair, he was stunned for a moment. After he reacted, he was shocked, for fear that Jiang Ning's dictionary would hit him on the head.

He jumped up quickly: "Don't teach me a lesson, you can't do much better yourself! When I came back just now, I saw you behind Xu Mingyi, what else would you do besides chasing after Xu Mingyi? You can fight with Jiang Rourou. Lose!"

Jiang Fan obviously knew that Jiang Ning was chased by Wang Sufen all over the yard during the day.

Who would have thought that Jiang Ning suddenly... rushed up and hugged him hard!

Jiang Fan ran fast, taller than Jiang Ning, but like a small partridge, terrified: "..." Jiang Ning

    let go of him after a while, his eyes looked a little red.

Jiang Fan was even more frightened, raised his hand and touched Jiang Ning's forehead: "I don't have a fever, have you seen it in a mental hospital?"

"Go away." Jiang Ning patted his brother's hand.

Jiang Fan felt relieved when he saw that Jiang Ning was still the same Jiang Ning.

He was about to sit down and continue to apply the medicine, but Jiang Ning took the medicine wine bottle in his hand without saying a word, pressed his hands on his shoulders, pressed him down and sat down, then squatted down and smeared the medicine wine on his neck with a cotton swab On: "Don't talk nonsense in the future, I don't like Xu Mingyi anymore."

Jiang Fan: "………………I believe you are a big head." I

    always feel that I am either dreaming or my sister is crazy.

Jiang Fan was in a trance when he suddenly heard Jiang Ning say coldly, "I want to transfer you."

Jiang Fan was even more startled: "Transfer? Where to go?"

Jiang Ning raised his eyes and looked him in the eye: " Hengchu has the best teachers, and all the outstanding students are here, you will go straight to Henggao after you finish Hengchu, and then take the Tsinghua exam for me."

Jiang Fan: "...Sister, are you? Talking in my sleep, it's just my grades? Tsinghua? Hahahahaha..."

Halfway through the laugh, Jiang Ning looked at him coldly.

Jiang Fan closed his mouth.

Jiang Fan shrank his shoulders, foolishly pulled out a few final semester papers from the drawer, and slapped Jiang Ning in front of him, not afraid of Jiang Ning hitting him: "To be honest, this is the best test I have taken. Good time."

Jiang Ning saw that the math score was 18 and the English score was 5, and his eyes were dark.

    "Anyway, no one cares if I get good grades or not." Jiang Fan saw Jiang Ning's heavy heart, and comforted her in turn, "Mom is busy all day, and Dad just treats his comrade's daughter as a treasure, and if he does well in the test, he will be rewarded. What can I do? Sister, don't worry about me on a whim, what should I do?"

    Jiang Fan was thirteen years old at this time, still a half-year-old boy, and didn't realize the importance of education at all.

    In his last life, he failed to get into Hengchu, a top-notch teacher resource. He only studied in the chaotic Nanmeng private middle school. The family mentioned several times to find a way to find a relationship and transfer him to another school, but it was delayed due to various reasons. .

    Because no one at home cared about him, he was brought up by the bad environment, and gradually became extremely rebellious, causing trouble.

    By the time everyone finally reacted, his grades had plummeted in the chaotic school, and he had only read a vocational high school.

    It just happened that during the years of high school, the profit of the mother's company reached its peak. Jiang Fan was also considered to be half a little rich second generation. In the end, he went astray and couldn't pull it back at all.

    Jiang Ning hated it in his heart, Jiang Fan was smart and cute since he was a child, and he had a lot of sympathy for small animals, and finally got himself into prison because of a Jiang Rou Rou.

    But when she heard the thirteen-year-old little brother calmly say that no one in the family cared about him, she felt sore in her heart and couldn't help but blame herself.

    In her last life, she was one year older than Jiang Fan, and she didn't know what to do with many things, but with her in this life, Jiang Fan must become a person with a straight back.

    First of all, we can't continue to mess around in the chaotic Nanmeng Private Middle School.

    "I care." Jiang Ning said word by word.

    Jiang Fan looked at Jiang Ning and was stunned.

    "You can't learn badly." Jiang Ning hurriedly lowered his head, dipped the medicinal wine with a cotton swab, and pressed it on Jiang Fan's knee.

    Jiang Fan felt a drop of scorching dampness hit his knees.

    ... Jiang Ning seems to be crying? Jiang Ning, who has always been fearless, was actually made to cry by himself?

    For some reason, Jiang Fan, who was usually beaten, scolded and punished without fear and self-reflection, was at a loss for a moment. He felt as if he had done something huge and was the biggest sinner in the world.

    Jiang Fan didn't know where to put his hands.

    After the air was quiet for a while, Jiang Ning hadn't raised his head yet, and Jiang Fan didn't know if she was still crying. He felt extremely uncomfortable.

    Jiang Fan closed his heart and said, "I'm just transferring, sister, don't cry."

    Jiang Ning suddenly changed from killing Matt to crying, which really left him at a loss.

    "But the problem is that the Hengchu transfer exam is very difficult, and I can't get in with my grades." Jiang Fan added.

    Jiang Ning said, "I'll make up for you."

    Really shooting himself in the foot, Jiang Fan's expression was painful and he decided to rescue him: "Also, if you transfer to another school in the middle, you need to get the signature of the Education Bureau."

    Jiang Ning said: "Don't worry about this, I will find a way, not only to transfer, And you have to turn as soon as possible."

    Jiang Fan looked at Jiang Ning whose eyes were as red as rabbits, opened his mouth, and said nothing. The family is just an ordinary businessman, where did the contacts come from to transfer him? He was afraid that when he said this, Jiang Ning's tears fell even more.

    After getting Jiang Fan, Jiang Ning threw the cotton swab to him, let him apply it himself, and turned around to go out.

    After going out, Jiang Ning contentedly stuffed the wind oil in his sleeve into his pocket.


    Knowing that Xiaokubao's character design is so good, what did she kill Matt when she was a girl in her previous life?

    Jiang Ning wanted to make up for Jiang Fan's class. In the evening, after grandma found out, she kept pouring cold water on the dining table to tell Jiang Ning not to toss. As far as Jiang Ning's grades were, although he entered Hengchu, he was still in the bottom of his grade, and he did not do regular work all day. Running with the boys of the Xu family, his grades were not as good as one-tenth of Xu Mingyi's, and he was much better than Jiang Fan, who studied at Nanmeng Private.

    It is better to let Jiang Rourou make up for Jiang Fan.

    In her new life, although she studied abroad at the Royal Academy of Dance in her last life, but she has studied calculus in college, how could she fail Jiang Rou Rou?

    But Jiang Ning was thinking about how to get Jiang's father and these two parasites out of the house, so he refrained from making a sound.

    Jiang Rou Rou is Jiang Shan's illegitimate daughter after marriage, which is already favorable evidence, but after all, many years later, she may not be able to hit the law. Better to hire a private detective to find out if there are any signs of infidelity in the father in recent years.

    Seeing that she didn't say anything, Jiang Rou Rou felt a little proud in her heart, but she whispered and modestly said: "I also make mistakes occasionally, falling out of the top 30 of the grade, and it's not as bad as grandma said, Ning Ning has already studied hard, grandma don't force her ."

    Jiang Fan threw his chopsticks: "What nonsense are you talking about—"

    Jiang's father's face quickly turned dark: "You go upstairs after eating, how can you talk to your sister?! I didn't learn well at a young age, and I spent all day with a bunch of gangsters. I'll take care of you when I have time."

    Jiang Fan went upstairs angrily.

    Zheng Ruonan's face was also a little ugly, but she couldn't say anything.

    She felt a pain in her heart. It was a fact that the two children, Jiang Ning and Jiang Fan, had poor grades. Sometimes she even wonders if there is something wrong with her genes, why are the two children so unsatisfactory...

    Jiang's father turned to Jiang Ning and said, "It's good that you have this heart, and your father praises you, then you try to help your brother. Let's go."

    He said, he remembered that he was reading a newspaper in the living room when he just came home from work, but Jiang Ning saw him as if he was reading a stranger.

    He couldn't help but wonder if he had been away on business for too long these days and had become estranged from his daughter.

    So he reached out and stroked Jiang Ning's head.

    Unexpectedly, before the hand touched Jiang Ning, the hatred in Jiang Ning's eyes disappeared in a flash, and he turned his head.

    Father Jiang was taken aback for a moment, suspecting that he had read it wrong.

    "I'm full." Jiang Ning said coldly, and also got up and went upstairs.

    Father Jiang's hand was embarrassed in mid-air, and stiffly retracted after a while.

    "The boy," he muttered, bewildered.

    This night, Jiang Ning tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, worried about his mother's body and worried about Jiang Fan's future.

    She had already told Zheng Ruonan about the physical examination. Since she said it solemnly and rarely told Zheng Ruonan about anything like a little adult like this, Zheng Ruonan laughed and promised her that she would definitely go for the physical examination during this time.

    Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

    The most difficult thing now is Jiang Fan's problem. The results can be made up no matter what, but it is not so easy to transfer schools in Haitong City this year, and many procedures have to be completed.

    In the last life, because of the numerous procedures, the Jiang family had no connections, and Jiang's mother failed to transfer Jiang Fan's success.


    Jiang Ning suddenly sat up from the bed, his eyes lit up because he thought of something.

    She has a way. This matter has to wait for a chance.

    The next day, both Jiang Xu's family got up early.

    Xu Mingyi took a day off from the school because he was going to participate in the city science competition, and his father drove him there.

    Father Xu threw the Lego in the back seat, but noticed that Xu Mingyi was not very emotional along the way, and frequently lowered the window to look out of the car, not even bothering to take apart the newly bought Lego.

    Although the 15-year-old boy is handsome and has excellent grades, he is a leader among his peers, and is envied and sought after, but he is still only a boy, and his thoughts are written on his face.

    "What's wrong? Didn't sleep well?"

    Xu Mingyi said vaguely: "No, it won't affect the competition, but I'm just a little hungry."

    "Didn't you just eat at home?" Father Xu asked. Seeing that Xu Mingyi didn't answer, he asked, "Want to? Don't buy anything to eat?"

    Xu Mingyi said: "There is a new KFC in front of you, go there."

    "No problem." Xu's father quickly parked the car in front of the store.

    Xu Mingyi got out of the car and immediately saw Lan Zhenzhen sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window, but he glanced left and right at Lan Zhenzhen, but did not see Jiang Ning.

    He was a little strange. He took out his mobile phone and bought three glasses of Coke and a family bucket before walking to Lan Zhenzhen's table to sit down and asked casually, "Jiang Ning said she made an appointment with you to have breakfast here today. ?"

    Lan Zhenzhen is Xiao Jiangning's classmate at the same table in the third class. Seeing Xu Mingyi, the captain of the Hengchu basketball team and the school grass, she was inevitably a little excited and asked, "Xu Mingyi, why are you here? Aren't you going to participate in the competition? "

    Xu Mingyi frowned: "You haven't answered my question yet."

    Only then did Lan Zhenzhen react and said, "Did Jiang Ning have an appointment with me? When?"

    She quickly looked down at her phone.


    Lan Zhenzhen showed Xu Mingyi her phone, and asked in confusion, "I didn't receive the message, and she didn't call yesterday. Why did you ask this suddenly? You want to participate in the competition and she won't be with you. Son, why did you come to have breakfast with me?"

    Xu Mingyi's face suddenly turned ugly.

    This villa covers a very large area. On the other side of the river, the weeds are overgrown, so dense that it almost covers the carved fence. From a distance, it is quiet and lonely, and it is even more shrouded in a layer of smoke at night.

    The pointed chimneys are like fangs piercing the sky, adding a terrifying element to the castle out of thin air.

    When Yan Yixie was sent to Haitong City to recuperate, his father wanted to hire someone to clean up the weeds and trees and repair the villa, but was stopped by the pale and indifferent teenager in a wheelchair.

    Maybe he thought that the old castle was abandoned here and was exposed to the wind and the sun, and the experience was similar to his. Since they are sympathetic to each other, there is no need to change their appearance.

    Therefore, now the villa is only rebuilt internally, and the exterior still looks deep.

    The housekeeper woke up on time at six in the morning, and as soon as he put on his coat and went out, he saw the young master sitting alone on the third floor roof in a wheelchair.

    His skin was pale, he didn't listen to music, he didn't hold a book, he just sat quietly, watching the birds flying by in the woods, motionless.

    The wind gently lifted the corners of his clothes.

    The housekeeper hesitated and walked over: "I called your head teacher. Your head teacher said that no one will bring you a make-up schedule."

    Yan Yixie did not respond, and the housekeeper did not know whether he fell asleep in the wheelchair or not. .

    The housekeeper gathered up his clothes, got closer, and said, "But that little girl... I don't think she has any bad intentions, maybe she just wants to get to know you. She said yesterday that she will come to school with you, if she comes... ... why don't you try to make a friend?" The

    young master has not had anyone to talk to for many years.

    Yan Yixie only moved. He turned the wheelchair around, glanced at the housekeeper, and said coldly, "She may not come." The

    housekeeper said, "What if she came?"

    "Come?" Yan Yixie sneered: "What do you want? You want me to be a short-lived cripple?" The

    butler was speechless.

    "Then do you want to go to school today?"

    Yan Yixie said nothing after a while, "No, but I'm going to the beach." The

    housekeeper had to walk behind Yan Yixie in silence and followed him to the elevator mouth.

    The young master did not like others to help him, so the housekeeper did not reach out to push the wheelchair, but waited for Yan Yixie to push the wheelchair into the elevator by himself, and then followed up.

    Arriving at the entrance of the villa, the butler couldn't control it, and said more: "Actually, that little girl..."

    "Shut up, when did you talk so much nonsense?" Yan Yixie sneered impatiently: "These people are the most It's easy to come on a whim, the way to get here is very long, and you have to cross the bridge, what she said yesterday was just talking, she won't really come."

    He reached out and opened the door as soon as he finished speaking.

    The girl who was squatting at the door with her knees in her arms was caught off guard and fell in. The weather was slightly cold today, and the girl was wearing a bright yellow hoodie, squatting there and rolling in like a custard bag.

    Jiang Ning raised his face and said embarrassedly: "Morning, I'm sorry, I got up too early, and I accidentally took a nap at your door."

    Yan Yixie: "..."


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