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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Chapter 2 "Don't Get in the Way." part 2

In her previous life, she fled when she saw Yan Yixie, and never took the initiative to get to know this teenager.

But only after her death did she realize that he had her engraved in his heart. So she took it for granted that the children nearby did not dare to step into the carved fence, saying that the devil lived in the castle she believed it was just a malicious rumor.

But never thought that the teenager's temperament is really vengeful and ruthless... In short, he is not so weak and can be bullied.

No wonder that although Yan Yixie had crippled legs and an odd temperament, no one in the school dared to bully him, not even giving him a second glance.

Everyone just ran away when they saw it from a distance.

For some unknown reason, the boy in a wheelchair by the sea suddenly turned around and glanced at Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning instantly adjusted the expression on his face, erasing all the shock and horror, turning it into nothing.

... Fortunately, she was not only a dancer in her last life, but also an excellent actor.

The sea breeze puffed up the young man's white t-shirt, he seemed a little surprised, his dark pupils were dark, and he stared at Jiang Ning's face for two seconds.

Jiang Ning was watched by that look, and almost thought that this kid was going to let the housekeeper beat her up.

But Yan Yixie ignored her, his eyes were cold, he controlled the wheelchair to turn around, the black umbrella was in front of him, and he went towards the distant castle, intending to leave.

The butler remained silent and followed behind him dutifully.

Jiang Ning had seen him carry an umbrella all his life, and now he finally knows the purpose of this umbrella.

He never seemed to let anyone push him in a wheelchair.

Why? Did he never allow the help of others?

It wasn't until one old and one young man went up the slope that Jiang Ning reacted.

She immediately ran after her.

Although Yan Yixie's character was so tough... and beyond her expectations, she did not forget that she intended to repay her kindness.

"You're going home now?" Jiang Ning called out, pushing aside the bangs that had been blown away by the wind in front of her forehead.

When Yan Yixie heard the footsteps chasing after her, her movements paused imperceptibly.

But he didn't look back.

The butler looked back at the girl in surprise.

She was wearing a clean and tidy cotton skirt, fair skin, well-behaved ears and black hair. She was holding two ice creams that were about to melt. She was a sweet chocolatier (TN: I have no idea what this sentence should mean). She looked like a good girl from a good family. How could she be here? After seeing the scene just now, how can you catch up?

Aren't you afraid?

"Your house is that big old castle, right?"

"Wow, your house is so big, I wonder what it's like inside, I rarely see that kind of building." Jiang Ning deliberately used the tone of 14 or 15 years old to get close.

"Why don't you say anything?"

 "You just punched someone very hard." Jiang Ning chattered on and on.

"Your name is Yan Yixie, I know you, you're a student of Hengchu, and so am I."

 No one paid attention to Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning was not embarrassed, walked a few steps faster, took out ice cream from the plastic bag, came over and handed one, smiling: "I'm in the third class of the second year, my name is Jiang Ning, do you know me?"

Yan Yixie did not look away, his face indifferent, not even looking at the melting ice-cream.

He and the black-suited butler behind him looked like two deaf people, one white and one black, one young and one old.

Jiang Ning had no choice but to step on two short legs and trot up.

This year, she hasn't drawn or grown tall yet, and the act of running and talking at the same time is very hasty.

"By the way, since we are classmates, can we exchange a cell phone number?"


The sound of a wheelchair abruptly braking on the ground.

The teenager lifted his delicate eyebrows and finally stared at her incompetently: "What do you want?"

Jiang Ning could not find an excuse for a moment, she could not say that in her last life, we would meet a year later and you would treat me like a heartbeat, right?

She looked at Yan Yixie's cold look, her heart was anxious, pulled out from her skirt pocket, and suddenly pulled out a make-up sheet.

Yan Yixie, who seldom goes to school: "..."

Jiang Ning made a mistake, and put both hands in front of Yan Yixie: "Student Yan, your head teacher asked me to bring it to you yesterday."

Yan Yixie stared at the picture in front of him. Thin paper, frowned, raised his hand.

The butler took the watch, folded it a few times, and stuffed it into his pocket.


"Is there anything else?" The boy pushed his wheelchair forward, his back turned to her, his voice cold and indifferent.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a while, and said, "If you don't mind, I'll go to school with you tomorrow morning."

She had no other idea, she just felt that the young man had crippled legs and lived alone in that villa all the year round. I don't talk much with the's too lonely.

In her previous life, she was the only one who treated her well except her mother and brother. She hoped to do something for him as much as she could.

Yan Yixie was startled and turned around.

Seeing him looking over, Jiang Ning tilted his head quickly and put on a harmless smile.

In the setting sun, Jiang Ning's fair skin, soft black hair, and slender ankles were all covered with a thin layer of halo, but Yan Yixie glared at Jiang Ning with a look without the slightest warmth. .

To him, the girl was just a stranger, an inexplicable stranger.

It's just that she is not as fearful and far away from him as others... This thought was only fleeting, and it turned into coldness and self-deprecation.

"Stay away from me." Yan Yixie's eyes froze: "Don't get in the way."

Jiang Ning's heart trembled.

The boy stopped looking at her, turned around, and continued on.

The figures of the wheelchair, the boy, and the housekeeper were stretched on the ground by the sunset by the sea, and soon disappeared like an iceberg.

...When the melted ice cream seeped out of the plastic bag and dripped on the ground, Jiang Ning came back to his senses.

As soon as she turned around, she met Xu Mingyi, who was looking for Meteor in the distance.

Although they lived in the same place and would see each other sooner or later, Jiang Ning didn't expect to see Xu Mingyi so soon.

At this time, Xu Mingyi was still a fifteen-year-old boy, wearing a basketball jersey, a red No. 6, and a wrist brace on his wrist. The sun was handsome, bright and dazzling.

However, Jiang Ning instantly remembered the scene where he rushed to Zhong Cong Shuang in the back seat before he died.

Jiang Ning was already dead, so he couldn't hear Xu Mingyi's explanation, but what else did he need to explain?

The only answer is that Zhong Cong Shuang is always his white moonlight, and he doesn't like Jiang Ning at all.

"Jiang Ning, are you alright?" Xu Mingyi panted heavily, put his hands on his knees, glanced at her, then looked at Yan Yixie and the housekeeper who had already walked away, and said angrily, "I've been looking for you for a long time. , it's almost dark, what are you running around - your hair?"

"Have you cut your hair?" Xu Mingyi remembered that there was a barber shop nearby, and Jiang Ning was out to cut his hair, so he didn't continue the topic.

She became beautiful.

But Xu Mingyi would not say it.

He stared at Jiang Ning and frowned, "There's a barber store in that alley of Si Xiangming's house, what are you doing so far away from the beach?"

"You just met that guy, nothing happened, right?" Xu Mingyi still can't hide a trace of concern in his expression.

But after talking for a long time, Xiao Jiangning looked at him indifferently, and Xu Mingyi suddenly felt that there was a sense of dissonance.

"What's wrong?" He frowned, and ignoring that Jiang Ning's hand was still wet with ice cream water, he grabbed Jiang Ning's hand and walked back.

"Okay, let's go back first, it's going to get dark soon, there are often gangsters here, it's more chaotic."

But he didn't take two steps, and Jiang Ning shook his hand away.

Xu Mingyi turned around in confusion.

The setting sun has completely subsided below the sea level, and the sky is almost dark.

He stared at Jiang Ning for a while, and finally found where was strange - Jiang Ning is too cold.

Looking at him coldly, not laughing, not making a scene, and not wrinkling her nose and shedding tears. (TN: you a sadist sir?)

Her look is simply like she is a different person.

"What's the matter? Or is it because I didn't take you with me when I was fishing a few days ago?"

Xu Mingyi and Jiang Ning's family didn't live too close together. They were separated by a few streets. He didn't know what happened in the Jiang's yard today. He just thought that Xiao Jiangning was still angry about what happened a few days ago.

But Jiang Ning didn't answer him. She walked around him without a word, threw the ice cream into the trash can, and then walked back quickly.

Xu Mingyi looked at his hand, confused.

Why didn't Jiang Ning jump around happily just because he held her hand?

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