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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Chapter 3 part 2 Like a lunatic with ease

 The follow-up of the matter went very smoothly, because Huang Mao and the others were repeat offenders with a lot of criminal records, and they were indeed the ones who caused trouble first. The police uncle taught them verbally and let them go to school.

    Along the way, Jiang Lu walked very fast. Qi An'an didn't have his long legs, so she could only keep up with his speed when she trotted.

    Because Jiang Lu said nothing to drive her away this time, she asked a series of questions such as "Do you take this road every day?" "Will I go to school with you in the future?" "Can we go home together after school at night" and so on. Questions he didn't give a single answer to.

    It wasn't until they approached the door of the classroom that Jiang Lu slowed down and turned around, "You want to come in with me?"

    He spoke very slowly, as always with a sense of sarcasm.

    Qi Anan didn't understand his thoughts. She had already walked to the door, if she didn't go in together with him, could it be that she had to wait at the door for a while before entering?

    She nodded blankly: "Go in together, is there any problem?"

    Jiang Lu only left one sentence: "As you like." Then he walked into the classroom.

    They were late for a class, and it was the break of the first class. Most of the students in the classroom were there, and some were already ready to go to class. The originally noisy classroom, the moment Jiang Lu walked into the door, seemed to have the pause button pressed by someone, and suddenly became embarrassedly quiet before the rustling sound came out again.

    "How did the two of them get together?"

    "Some people want to be a sugar baby...their methods are inherited..."

    "Qi Anan just transferred and knows nothing, so no one will give her some famous information."

    "Someone who is rich might just like this, and fill the harem."

    When Jiang Lu walked over, everyone bowed their heads and mumbled occasionally. But when Qi An'an passed by later, the voice of the discussion fell into her ears and into her heart.

      In the book, when Qi Anan just transferred over, her wealthy and high-minded look was not appealing to people and people did not treat her well. It was only later when she invited her classmates to eat and drink several times before she slowly gained prestige and popularity. When cruelly persecuting Jiang Lu , there were are also people who silently stepped on him to please her.

    At this moment, Qi An'an was so angry that she almost exploded in place, not because she was being scolded, but because he felt sorry for the cub's situation - 'what the hell, just going into a classroom together, and they can make it up like this.

    She even saw that when Jiang Lu walked back to his seat, the girl at the same table frowned and moved the stool away. Her disgust was evident. She didn't restrain her actions, and didn't care what he would think or feel.

    If she doesn't do something at this point, it will be sorry for her glorious pro-motherhood status. Qi Anan patted the table and pointed at the boys, who were chewing their tongue.

    "What are you mumbling about?  You're not two or three years old children, with your basic cognitive skills not there, so why is your brain loaded with garbage? You think everything is dirty when you are the dirty one."


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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Chapter 3 part 1 Like a lunatic with ease.

Huang Mao couldn't break free, but his mouth was still not clean: "I didn't expect you to be quite a character, Lao Tzu likes this..."

He stopped mid-sentence as the person in front of him suddenly smiled faintly.

It wasn't a normal smile, but cold and creepy. He only slightly hooked the corner of one side of his lips, and this already brought a sense of unprovoked oppression.

Huang Mao swallowed, and at that moment he felt a little hairy in his heart. (I believe this means he was scared)

"If you frown and avoid me when you see me like others do," Jiang Lu spoke in a low voice," Then I'll be too lazy to do anything to you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lu's wrist turned, and Huang Mao's wrist gave a crisp "click". The sound of the joints sounded, and as soon as he let out a scream from his mouth, he was kicked in the stomach by Jiang Lu, and he fell half a meter.

Jiang Lu hit really hard, Huang Mao was lying on the ground, clutching his stomach and trembling. When several of his companions saw this, they immediately rushed up with their fists.

Five or six people beating one person, Qi Anan's nervous heart raised in her throat. She could see clearly just now that although Jiang Lu was half a head taller than Huang Mao, he was not as strong as Huang Mao. Is he the opponent of so many people?

However, Qi Anan thought too much, Jiang Lu was silent, but he did not hesitate at all. Although there were many people on the other side, he did not lose the advantage. Even if a fist fell on him, he was indifferent, as if he didn't feel the pain, and only fought back with more ruthless force.

In such a fierce fight, his face was expressionless, his eyes were calm and unwavering, like a lunatic with ease. (TN: roll credits)

Qi Anan suddenly felt a little heartbroken.

The book does not hesitate to describe a beautiful teenager, and tears him apart little by little. From a young age, he was sensible and naïve, with innate tenderness and expectation towards the world, and gradually retreated indifferently to his own corner.

But luckily, luckily she is here and will not drag him into the darkness and will try to give him the sunlight that should be his.

He should have a life without questions of his origin, and a love that knows each other without doubt.

"Jiang Lu! Behind you!" Qi Anan was a little relieved to see that Jiang Lu had no problem with one-to-many fighting, but who knew that the yellow hair Huang Mao just climbed up in the chaos and picked up a stone while they were not resting. The pointed angle was sharp, and the back of Jiang Lu's head was about to be smashed!

However, at the moment before Qi An'an warned him, Jiang Lu had already stooped to avoid it, turned around and hit Huang Mao's chin with an uppercut.

It turned out that he had already noticed it.

Qi An'an looked at the person who was moaning and couldn't get up, and then looked at Jiang Lu, who was the only one standing.

What is rare is that Jiang Lu is actually looking at him. His indifferent pupils have no emotions, but Qi Anan immediately became nervous.

Holy crap, baby goose looked at me! It's been three seconds! The most complete highlight moment for a book fan!

Out of a bunch of opening remarks such as "Are you okay?" "Are you not hurt?" "whatever they say, you take it as a dog barking," Qi Anan couldn't make a choice. No words could express her genuine feeling.

"What are you doing with it?" Jiang Lu spoke first before Qi Anan chose her words.

Jiang Lu's gaze fell on the slate in Qi Anan's hand. The girl's hands which are delicate and soft and as soft as lily petals, holding the thick and heavy brick, seemed out of place.

Qian An was afraid that he would misunderstand, and immediately explained: "I saw that they were going to bully you, I originally wanted to help you, but I didn't expect ..." I didn't expect you to be so capable of fighting, which made me seem stupid.

Jiang Lu was noncommittal, he heard her remind him to be careful behind him just now, she probably didn't want to smash him with this thing.

Then she...

Jiang Lu's eyes flashed with a hesitation that was hard to capture, but soon he chuckled lightly: "You have a lot of tricks, you just picked up the props for acting? To bother you to do so much, this face of mine is rather honored."

Damn, he still misunderstood. Qi Anan wanted to cry, she can only blame the original body that left too bad of an impression. To tell the truth will also make people question.

"No, it's because of..."

But Jiang Lu obviously didn't want to talk to her, so he looked back casually: ""I'm not that particular about it , do not think I don't hit women, and I'll say for the last time, go away."

Qi An'an pouted. Bullshit, you are very particular, you never hit women in the first place. I saw how much you wanted to hammer this villainess in the back, but I didn't see you do it either.

She was scolding him in her stomach, when suddenly a burst of sirens sounded from afar, coming towards them.

Jiang Lu had already raised his legs to leave. When he saw the police car approaching, he was slightly startled and looked at Qi An'an with a complicated expression: "You called the police? "

 She didn't expect this situation when it was over. Qian Ann whispered," It was me... wasn't it because I saw that they have more people and I was afraid you will suffer..."

In her imagination, at this moment, the weak and poor cub should be pressed to the ground and beaten. Of course, it is very likely that she would also be beaten to the ground.

Every time she tried to do something to make a good impression on the cub, it would flop, thought Qi Anan. The big hole in their relationship hadn't been mended yet, and she had poked another hole in it.

He's definitely going to say ruthless things again.

However, Jiang Lu didn't say anything this time. He lowered his eyes and making it impossible to see his emotions.

Huang Mao and several people are habitual offenders. The police uncles know them all. When they saw them, they got angry: "It's you again?! How many times a year have you done this? If you do not cause trouble, you have itchy skin, right?"

As soon as they came up, they were lectured, Huang Mao and the others immediately exploded: "We were beaten! We are the victims! It's him..."

He pointed at Jiang Lu with his finger, and facing Jiang Lu's indifferent gaze, for some reason, his voice became quieter.

Although they were beaten to the ground, Jiang Lu's temperament was really good, and his school uniform was neat and clean, which seemed to be synonymous with good students.

The police uncle came over to him in doubt and asked, "What is going on with you guys?"

Qi An'an waved her phone and hurriedly complained: "Uncle police, I recorded the video, and they started the trouble."

She originally wanted to leave evidence just in case, and she recorded it from the time Huang Mao insulted Jiang Lu, until she found that Jiang Lu did not suffer at all during the fight, and did not record the rest.

Qi Anan showed the video to the police, and explained, "Uncle police, their words are so ugly. My classmate has been learning taekwondo since elementary school, so he must teach them a lesson. He never takes the initiative to cause trouble..."

Jiang Lu stood next to them, his gaze falling on Qi Anan for a long time, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

For the first time, he looked at the girl seriously. When she first transferred fromanother school, I heard someone mention her by chance and knew that she was not ugly, even delicate and beautiful. It's just that she has a gloomy temperament, always with a sense of arrogance and contempt.

Until she confessed to him with an ambiguous look within two days, praising his good-looking face, he was full of disgust towards her.

He hates being told that he is beautiful.

But today, Qi An'an is clearly different from what he imagined, without the arrogance of having no one in sight, and even a somewhat childish childishness. Her eyes are black and white and clear, how good does a person have to be at acting to have such a clear and clean gaze? One eye can be explored to the bottom and is really without any impurities.

But what is her purpose?

He had nothing to look at, Jiang Lu thought indifferently, he only has a gorgeous skin, other than that, there is no reason to keep her eyes on him for a moment.

No matter how beautiful the skin is, it will not be fresh for a long time. She will leave when she is tired of playing. At that time, since her words and deeds were not so disgusting, he would not trouble her in the future.


(Deciding on the chapter name for this one was amusing. Google translate directly gave 'is like a lunatic with ease'. But I usually use at least one other translation website to help me get the title. This time I used 5 because the name google gave and my second site was too different and then it kept tying. The second gave 'Like a wandering madman', so I went to the third website which gave 'Like a maniac'. So I tried a fourth and fifth which both gave ' Like a lunatic with ease'. This basically gave the winner. What amused me with my terrible sense of humor is when I tried to translate just the title without the chapter 3 attached and the others gave basically the same thing but my second choice gave 'Like a maniac who can handle himself' and the third gave 'Like a free-flowing madman'. I got a nice little chuckle while trying to translate the title and another reason I got amused is that I finished this story long before so I don't know what this chapter is about and these titles have me thinking of the ML as a bearded traveller in a white robe wandering around in a wuxia setting as an eccentric drunk.)

Ok, enough of that. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Chapter 2 A mother's fan, you can hide your merit and fame. ... part 2

The door was closed, Jiang Lu pushed it open, and the unspeakable smell in the air made him close his eyes, turned around and walked to the bedroom. The woman lying on the sofa suddenly said,

 "Where have you been? Didn't I tell you brother Wang came over today and he wanted to see you?"

    Jiang Lu raised his eyelids. The woman on the opposite sofa was languid, her hair was disheveled, her pretty face had a rich blush, and one of her legs was cut from the slit skirt. It was exposed, thin, white and straight.

 Jiang Lu held back his nausea: "I'll move out soon."

 "Have you rented a house? Where did you get the money?" The woman smiled, her expression ambiguous, "You're not out there being taken in, are you?"

Jiang Lu smiled and said, "Qin Meng, I don't want to be a whore yet."

Qin Meng laughed loudly: "Don't look down on whores, you are the son of a whore. Look at this little face, with red lips and white teeth, where would you get such a beautiful face without me?"

"Sister Wu has mentioned to me several times, you can go to her directly to hang the first card .With a face like that, why are you studying? How old are you? Well, you look like eighteen, just able to fool around." 

It was absurd and dirty, and it felt disgusting to talk to her. The next moment, Jiang Lu looked away and turned back to the bedroom.

It's not exactly a bedroom. Looking around, it's more like a utility room. Only a bed board is placed in the corner, he can barely have a place to stay.

Jiang Lu just sat down on the edge of the bed when a small furry head stuck out from the gap behind the bed, with a soft "meow" sound.

His fingers moved subconsciously.

The little milk cat crawled over, waving a pair of meat claws skillfully coquettishly, but after a long time , the two-legged beast in front of her could not be seen paying attention to it.

"Meow?" The little milk cat arched around Jiang Lu even more vigorously.

Finally, Jiang Lu's eyes fell on the coquettish little guy. He raised his hand and gently rubbed his round, furry head with his clean and slender fingers.

"I'm sorry."

 Jiang Lu suddenly stood up and found a small cardboard box from the pile of debris. He folded his clean sheets, put them in the cardboard box, put the kitten in, and walked out the door with the cardboard box in his arms.

Qi An'an waited for a long time in the building behind, and finally saw Jiang Lu walking over with a cardboard box, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Fortunately, she is a super book fan, and she remembers every little detail clearly.

 In this episode, Jiang Lu had two kittens, one was cruelly killed for running out, and the other he did not dare to keep, so he secretly put it in front of Grandma Zhang's house.

Grandma Zhang is a famous cat lover. She has adopted several stray cats, and she will never ignore it when she sees it.

But he didn't dare to give the kitten to Grandma Zhang himself, because if the other party knew that it was a cat from his house... I wonder if she would feel uncomfortable.

But that's how it went wrong.

Although Grandma Zhang was at home all the year round, she just let her son pick her up to travel these days. Jiang Lu didn't know that and the kitten was left at her door unattended. And so the next day he sneaked over to see it, and do not know who already threw two stones and smashed it to death.

The author does everything he can to portray the "miserable" male protagonist. although this episode only has a few lines, Qi An'an almost got angry to the point of fainting when she saw it. The hard work pays off, at least she made her wait.

Qi An'an didn't go out immediately, just based on how much her cub hated her now, he would definitely walk away with the little cutie in his arms, and her adoption plan would  be a failure.

Forget it, as a mother fan, you can hide your merits and fame.

The little milk cat is really a high-IQ creature. It seems to have noticed that it is about to be abandoned, and scratches the cardboard box, but it is too weak to jump out at all.

But even though he tried to retain his coquettishness, he didn't see any movement in Jiang Lu. He (TN: Jiang Lu) put down the cardboard box and lightly touched the tip of its little ear, then turned and walked away without turning his head.

When he was far away, Qi An'an ran out to open the cardboard box, the little milk cat's cheerful sound of scratching the box suddenly stopped, and looked at Qi An'an with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, look at you, what's that expression?" Qi Anan deliberately put on a face: "So dissatisfied to see me? Don't pick and choose, I will definitely arrange for you and my dear goose to meet again in the future.

"Shall I give you a name? Your appearance time is too short, and the author didn't give you a name. Well... In order to wish you and Jiang Lu an early and smooth meeting , I'll give you an auspicious name. How about Da Shun? "

Dashun let out a weak "meow".

Qi An'an took it out carefully, and looked at it happily: "Da Shun, I order you to hurry up and pamper me, according to the generation you have to call me a grandmother."

Da Shun: "..."

Qi An An came home with a small kitten in her arms, and Housekeeper Chen almost dropped his jaw when he saw it: "Miss, you, you don't hate these little animals anymore?"

Hate? The chubby furry is about to become cute, okay? Qi Anan rolled her eyes in her heart regarding how bad it was to wear the character she hated the most. The original owner's every word and action makes her want to whack.

"Isn't that before, hahaha, maybe I haven't touched it before," Qi Anan couldn't make it up any longer, and rubbed Dashun's little head with a smile, "Anyway, it feels so cute now, Uncle Chen, I want to keep it at home. "

Butler Chen showed a gratified smile: "Miss can keep it if she likes it, and Uncle Chen will help you take care of it together."

That's right, a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, it's reasonable to raise such a soft little thing, raising a beautiful classmate or something... I guess it's just a child talking nonsense.

"Right Uncle Chen, no need to arrange a car to take me tomorrow, I'll walk by myself."  Qi Anan observed today, she and Jiang Lu went to school by the way, walking together on the road, maybe they can get closer.

Qi An'an didn't expect to be so lucky. Early the next morning, when she walked out of the house and turned two streets, she saw a familiar figure in front of her.

 The fate of meeting each other without a special appointment, is God guiding her to go up and say a few words?

At that time she had tweeted 10,000 words to express her love for the baby cub, but now the real person is right in front of her eyes, and she can't say anything because she wore this unlucky female pervert!

Damn it!

Qi An'an just quickened her pace, but when she was still more than ten paces away from Jiang Lu, she suddenly heard laughter behind her.

It turned out to be a couple of straggly young men who were quick on their feet and immediately overtook her. There were one or two people in school uniforms and jackets, and it could be seen that they belonged to the same school.

How do I feel that this group of people are heading for Jiang Lu... Qi An'an just thought of this, and the next moment she saw them speeding up to stand in front of Jiang Lu.

Jiang Lu stopped, his back looked like a bamboo. It wasn't because of Qi An'an's own mother's eyes, but when he went to that station, he showed a calmness. (TN: no clue what this means)

Xiao Huangmao, who was the leader of the group, looked at Jiang Lu up and down, and smiled playfully: "Isn't this the little wild child of the□□ family? I haven't seen you for a few days, and you've become beautiful again."

"I heard that your mother doesn't support you, so you earned your own tuition since you were a child? How did you earn it?"

Huang Mao's voice was loud, and his laugh became more and more unbridled: "Seriously, I haven't played with a man before. You are such a beautiful little thing that suits my taste. Come play billiards with us later?"

He approached Jiang Lu stubbornly: "Coax me comfortably, not to mention junior high school tuition, I will pay for you to go to university."

 Shit! What a piece of shit! How dare you talk to her beloved cub like that! Qi Anan fist hardened, she picked up a brick in front of her, took out her cell phone and quickly dialed Yao Yaoling.

If this Huang Mao uses his dirty hand to touch... Qi An'an's flash of worry was not over, when she saw Jiang Lu raise his hand and grab Huang Mao's hand.

He was as cold and pale as usual, as if he didn't use much effort, but Huang Mao couldn't move, neither advancing nor retreating, his face flushed red.

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Sunday, January 16, 2022

Chapter 1-001 Shen Family Brothers Intelligent System part 1

 (TN: So I was contemplating leaving out the chapter titles since I can't translate most of them properly, but then I decided I should just leave it, badly translated and all.) Enjoy!


   "The system has been turned on, Yuanyuan Smart Butler is here for you!"

    "The system energy has only 2% left, please recharge it in time!"

    The furnishings in the room are very simple, with a vintage red paper calendar and a black and white large-head imported TV. There were some books on the bookshelf, as well as an antenna cash register, and lying on the bed was a young woman wearing a plaid shirt and braided braids.

    She slowly opened her eyes when she heard the urgent alarm. She was about 20 years old. She had a pair of willow leaf eyebrows and very charming phoenix eyes, her skin was white and delicate, her face was delicate and small, and there was a red mole under her tears eyes.

    Her thick eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes opened suddenly, a blue light flashed in her pupils, her body moved stiffly, and she controlled her body to make some simple movements. "The body" is not used to it yet.

   Yuanyuan’s learning speed is very fast. After a few days of fusion and restoration, she already knows the original owner’s information well. She can imitate 80/90% of her general habits, but the only problem now is to replenish energy. With the remaining energy, she could only end up lying on the bed in a dead machine, unable to do anything.

    Energy stone is the main fuel required for system robots in the future era, and it is also one of the unique mineral industries in the federal state. She goes to work in various employers’ homes, and the employers paid for energy materials, and the amount is usually very sufficient, such shortages are rare.

    She comes from a ss-class life intelligent machine produced by a system factory in 5023. Due to the continuous development of science and technology, resulting in the future mechanization of all mankind there will no longer be a need to use this semi-machine system. As a result, their old faces are destroyed, and they are also destroyed. She found she inadvertently slipped into this novel.

      This body memory came to mind. The original owner's body is a vicious cannon fodder-like character in the childhood memory chapter of the novel "Entrepreneurial Life" of the male lead Shen Qingxuan. He started a company from scratch, and became the president of Shen's family, who was a leader in the shopping mall industry, and married the childhood sweetheart heroine. Who would have thought of the tragic experience of the successful entrepreneur Mr. Shen in his childhood? During the interview the man had repeatedly mentioned the most regrettable thing in his life, is not finding the missing little sister. Because his sister was lost, she became enemies with her own brother, he regrets for half a lifetime without reconciliation. ( TN: here I'm not sure if the two brothers became enemies or the brother and sister, so I left it as the latter and didn't change the she and her)

    The original owner of this body of Yuanyuan was named Chen Yuan. She was the newly married wife of Shen Huai, the second uncle of Shen Qingxuan, who was an army officer. She was a vicious second aunt who deliberately planned to marry his second uncle. She abused the boy and his younger siblings when they were young, and also humiliated the third uncle who suffered from cerebral palsy. This so-called second aunt was their childhood nightmare and the beginning of all misfortunes.

    After the original owner was found abusing and beating the children, her husband divorced her and drove her out of the house. After that, the original owner was penniless to work. And after encountering a trafficker, she was abducted into the mountains to marry an old man and died of dystocia1. The character did not only appeared in a few sentences in the extra, but every description makes the original owner seem to be selfish to the extreme.

    A system like Chen Yuan already has certain advanced thinking and self-awareness, so its IQ is no worse than ordinary people, or even much higher than that of ordinary people. After analyzing the ending of the original owner, it is entirely self-inflicted suffering, cannot blame others. In the federal government, young children and the disabled are a vulnerable group, and it is not enough to love and care for them, and those who abuse children are punished, and in serious cases, the death penalty.

    She remembered that when she had this body, the original owner and her husband Shen Huai had a big quarrel in the hotel on their way back to the city. She smashed a military kettle on Shen Huai’s head,  causing the other party's head to bleed. It was because the original owner asked Shen Huai to arrange a job for her in the provincial capital.

    This was also one of the reasons why she chose to marry Shen Huai, but when he returned to the city, Shen Huai received an urgent notice that he was to go to the south for rescue work. TThe time for returning from an emergency mission was uncertain. What was originally planned will be pushed back indefinitely. The original owner felt that her husband was not trustworthy, and this caused a big fight.

   The original owner's husband had no choice but to leave with a head injury and ask his comrades to send the original owner back. When the soldier left, he looked at her full of disgust. He did not expect that an excellent leader like Shen Tuan would marry such a woman.

    This is the second day after the original owner came back. She was living in Shen’s house. She naturally didn’t have a good temper with Shen Huai’s two nephews and niece. As soon as she came back, she threw the children’s bedding into another cold and wet room. Hogging the largest bedroom in the house by herself, she did not expect to suffer from the wind chill and wake up with her eyes open to the consciousness of a living system in 5023.

    When the memory returned, she suddenly heard a noise from the door. Chen Yuan moved and barely walked out of the room. After looking outside at the noise, she saw two thin boys, one tall and one short. They look a bit similar, it looks like they should be brothers, but she doesn't know why they got into a quarrel with another little fat boy with an inch haircut.

The little fat boy said with arrogance and contempt, "Shen Erbao, you are not raised by a mother. I said that you are a child without a mother. Where did I go wrong?"

When Shen Erbao heard the words of high temperature Gao Wen, they touched the most sensitive point in his heart, the sour tears on the tip of his nose were like running water, he burst into tears, and shouted breathlessly: "I have a mother, I have a mother! You are talking nonsense."

Shen Dabao stepped forward and grabbed the other party's neck collar, angrily said: "High temperature Gao Wen, you are too much, how can you say that, be careful of getting rotten sores in your mouth."

   Gao Wen pushed Shen Qingxuan away with a slap, thinking he had pinpointed the pain points of the two brothers, and said with a smug face, "Am I right? The reason your mother ran away with someone else is definitely because you were disobedient and she didn't want you."

 Erbao kept shouting, until his voice became hoarse: "That's not it! It's not like this! We are very well-behaved and obedient, and we won't make trouble. Mom doesn't not want us anymore, she just has something to do. She'll be back when it's over, woo woo woo."

    Listening to Er Bao's cry, Da Bao's tears fell uncontrollably one by one. The word mother is the most sensitive word in their hearts. Usually, the Shen family rarely mentions this, but it does not mean that they are not aware. Every word of high temperature Gao Wen is like a dull knife, piercing into their hearts little by little.

    The two children stood there with despair on their faces, their young bodies shivering in the cold wind. Although they tried their best to cover it up, they couldn't stand the cold and cruel facts in front of them, and the pain was almost suffocating.

    The little fat boy said proudly: "This is a lesson for the two of you today. If I see you in the future, you will hide and go, or I will hit you once I see you..." 

The fat boy hasn't finished his words yet and his body was tightly grasped from behind, and a faint female voice raised from behind him: "Who are you, why are you so uneducated."

1 "Dystocia" (difficult or obstructed labor).

What is dystocia in pregnancy?

Dystocia means a slow or difficult labor or birth. Link 

So basically she died during a difficult labour.

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Chapter 2 "Don't Get in the Way." part 2

In her previous life, she fled when she saw Yan Yixie, and never took the initiative to get to know this teenager.

But only after her death did she realize that he had her engraved in his heart. So she took it for granted that the children nearby did not dare to step into the carved fence, saying that the devil lived in the castle she believed it was just a malicious rumor.

But never thought that the teenager's temperament is really vengeful and ruthless... In short, he is not so weak and can be bullied.

No wonder that although Yan Yixie had crippled legs and an odd temperament, no one in the school dared to bully him, not even giving him a second glance.

Everyone just ran away when they saw it from a distance.

For some unknown reason, the boy in a wheelchair by the sea suddenly turned around and glanced at Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning instantly adjusted the expression on his face, erasing all the shock and horror, turning it into nothing.

... Fortunately, she was not only a dancer in her last life, but also an excellent actor.

The sea breeze puffed up the young man's white t-shirt, he seemed a little surprised, his dark pupils were dark, and he stared at Jiang Ning's face for two seconds.

Jiang Ning was watched by that look, and almost thought that this kid was going to let the housekeeper beat her up.

But Yan Yixie ignored her, his eyes were cold, he controlled the wheelchair to turn around, the black umbrella was in front of him, and he went towards the distant castle, intending to leave.

The butler remained silent and followed behind him dutifully.

Jiang Ning had seen him carry an umbrella all his life, and now he finally knows the purpose of this umbrella.

He never seemed to let anyone push him in a wheelchair.

Why? Did he never allow the help of others?

It wasn't until one old and one young man went up the slope that Jiang Ning reacted.

She immediately ran after her.

Although Yan Yixie's character was so tough... and beyond her expectations, she did not forget that she intended to repay her kindness.

"You're going home now?" Jiang Ning called out, pushing aside the bangs that had been blown away by the wind in front of her forehead.

When Yan Yixie heard the footsteps chasing after her, her movements paused imperceptibly.

But he didn't look back.

The butler looked back at the girl in surprise.

She was wearing a clean and tidy cotton skirt, fair skin, well-behaved ears and black hair. She was holding two ice creams that were about to melt. She was a sweet chocolatier (TN: I have no idea what this sentence should mean). She looked like a good girl from a good family. How could she be here? After seeing the scene just now, how can you catch up?

Aren't you afraid?

"Your house is that big old castle, right?"

"Wow, your house is so big, I wonder what it's like inside, I rarely see that kind of building." Jiang Ning deliberately used the tone of 14 or 15 years old to get close.

"Why don't you say anything?"

 "You just punched someone very hard." Jiang Ning chattered on and on.

"Your name is Yan Yixie, I know you, you're a student of Hengchu, and so am I."

 No one paid attention to Jiang Ning, Jiang Ning was not embarrassed, walked a few steps faster, took out ice cream from the plastic bag, came over and handed one, smiling: "I'm in the third class of the second year, my name is Jiang Ning, do you know me?"

Yan Yixie did not look away, his face indifferent, not even looking at the melting ice-cream.

He and the black-suited butler behind him looked like two deaf people, one white and one black, one young and one old.

Jiang Ning had no choice but to step on two short legs and trot up.

This year, she hasn't drawn or grown tall yet, and the act of running and talking at the same time is very hasty.

"By the way, since we are classmates, can we exchange a cell phone number?"


The sound of a wheelchair abruptly braking on the ground.

The teenager lifted his delicate eyebrows and finally stared at her incompetently: "What do you want?"

Jiang Ning could not find an excuse for a moment, she could not say that in her last life, we would meet a year later and you would treat me like a heartbeat, right?

She looked at Yan Yixie's cold look, her heart was anxious, pulled out from her skirt pocket, and suddenly pulled out a make-up sheet.

Yan Yixie, who seldom goes to school: "..."

Jiang Ning made a mistake, and put both hands in front of Yan Yixie: "Student Yan, your head teacher asked me to bring it to you yesterday."

Yan Yixie stared at the picture in front of him. Thin paper, frowned, raised his hand.

The butler took the watch, folded it a few times, and stuffed it into his pocket.


"Is there anything else?" The boy pushed his wheelchair forward, his back turned to her, his voice cold and indifferent.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a while, and said, "If you don't mind, I'll go to school with you tomorrow morning."

She had no other idea, she just felt that the young man had crippled legs and lived alone in that villa all the year round. I don't talk much with the's too lonely.

In her previous life, she was the only one who treated her well except her mother and brother. She hoped to do something for him as much as she could.

Yan Yixie was startled and turned around.

Seeing him looking over, Jiang Ning tilted his head quickly and put on a harmless smile.

In the setting sun, Jiang Ning's fair skin, soft black hair, and slender ankles were all covered with a thin layer of halo, but Yan Yixie glared at Jiang Ning with a look without the slightest warmth. .

To him, the girl was just a stranger, an inexplicable stranger.

It's just that she is not as fearful and far away from him as others... This thought was only fleeting, and it turned into coldness and self-deprecation.

"Stay away from me." Yan Yixie's eyes froze: "Don't get in the way."

Jiang Ning's heart trembled.

The boy stopped looking at her, turned around, and continued on.

The figures of the wheelchair, the boy, and the housekeeper were stretched on the ground by the sunset by the sea, and soon disappeared like an iceberg.

...When the melted ice cream seeped out of the plastic bag and dripped on the ground, Jiang Ning came back to his senses.

As soon as she turned around, she met Xu Mingyi, who was looking for Meteor in the distance.

Although they lived in the same place and would see each other sooner or later, Jiang Ning didn't expect to see Xu Mingyi so soon.

At this time, Xu Mingyi was still a fifteen-year-old boy, wearing a basketball jersey, a red No. 6, and a wrist brace on his wrist. The sun was handsome, bright and dazzling.

However, Jiang Ning instantly remembered the scene where he rushed to Zhong Cong Shuang in the back seat before he died.

Jiang Ning was already dead, so he couldn't hear Xu Mingyi's explanation, but what else did he need to explain?

The only answer is that Zhong Cong Shuang is always his white moonlight, and he doesn't like Jiang Ning at all.

"Jiang Ning, are you alright?" Xu Mingyi panted heavily, put his hands on his knees, glanced at her, then looked at Yan Yixie and the housekeeper who had already walked away, and said angrily, "I've been looking for you for a long time. , it's almost dark, what are you running around - your hair?"

"Have you cut your hair?" Xu Mingyi remembered that there was a barber shop nearby, and Jiang Ning was out to cut his hair, so he didn't continue the topic.

She became beautiful.

But Xu Mingyi would not say it.

He stared at Jiang Ning and frowned, "There's a barber store in that alley of Si Xiangming's house, what are you doing so far away from the beach?"

"You just met that guy, nothing happened, right?" Xu Mingyi still can't hide a trace of concern in his expression.

But after talking for a long time, Xiao Jiangning looked at him indifferently, and Xu Mingyi suddenly felt that there was a sense of dissonance.

"What's wrong?" He frowned, and ignoring that Jiang Ning's hand was still wet with ice cream water, he grabbed Jiang Ning's hand and walked back.

"Okay, let's go back first, it's going to get dark soon, there are often gangsters here, it's more chaotic."

But he didn't take two steps, and Jiang Ning shook his hand away.

Xu Mingyi turned around in confusion.

The setting sun has completely subsided below the sea level, and the sky is almost dark.

He stared at Jiang Ning for a while, and finally found where was strange - Jiang Ning is too cold.

Looking at him coldly, not laughing, not making a scene, and not wrinkling her nose and shedding tears. (TN: you a sadist sir?)

Her look is simply like she is a different person.

"What's the matter? Or is it because I didn't take you with me when I was fishing a few days ago?"

Xu Mingyi and Jiang Ning's family didn't live too close together. They were separated by a few streets. He didn't know what happened in the Jiang's yard today. He just thought that Xiao Jiangning was still angry about what happened a few days ago.

But Jiang Ning didn't answer him. She walked around him without a word, threw the ice cream into the trash can, and then walked back quickly.

Xu Mingyi looked at his hand, confused.

Why didn't Jiang Ning jump around happily just because he held her hand?

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Friday, January 14, 2022

Chapter 2 A mother's fan, you can hide your merit and fame. ... part 1

Although she knows that Jiang Lu will not have a good face to the original body, but she didn't expect to be disgusted and resisted to this extent. 

But... she can understand, after all, the character "Qian'an" in the original book has never done anything that makes people feel good. Her liking is very shallow, only for the skin, and with undisguised contempt and arrogance .

Jiang Lu continued to walk forward without even giving her a single glance.

Qi Anan thought for a while, ran to the store on the street and bought a black square box, and ran over to follow Jiang Lu again:

"...Jiang Lu, you can put the cat here." It was the first time she called the cub by his name, and she was a little nervous. 

   Jiang Lu didn't speak, and Qi Anan tried to make up for it while recalling the plot: "What I said before you do not take it to heart, I said it wrong, I just want to make friends with you,  I promise nothing else!"

"I will never say those nonsense words in the future."

"Why don't I help you hold it for a while?"

Jiang Lu didn't even look back, but Qi Anan was like a super fan seeing her idols, and not missing any of the other's expressions.

She could see clearly that after she leaned over and chatted for a long time, Jiang Lu's dark and sharp eyebrows gradually wrinkled, and his steps were faster than before.

 It is estimated to be annoying him to death.

Afraid that it would backfire and make the cub hate her even more, Qi Anan took a few steps back and didn't get too close.

She watched from afar as Jiang Lu walked to the grove behind the school and stopped by a peach tree. He crouched down and slowly put the kitten on the soft grass.

Jiang Lu took out a clean cloth from his bag, unfolded it meticulously little by little, put the kitten in the middle, and wrapped it up very gently.

Qi Anan hid on the sidelines, looking distressed. The boy is thin, and when he leans over, the school uniform outlines the shape of his shoulder blades. When he buries the kitten silently, his back is silent.

The puppy in the early stage is so pitiful... Qi Anan thought that although he didn't drive her away, he still regarded her as air. It didn't matter if air was air, but in a moment if he cries, she will certainly not be able to resist rushing up, handing him tissues, scouring her heart brain to think of words to comfort him.

However, she thought too much, and Jiang Lu never cried.

Even looking at it from this angle, the setting sun is mottled in the gaps of the leaves, and his profile is mixed with light and dark. There is no sadness that belongs to his age, and his expression is almost indifferent.

Except for the hand movements that remain gentle and careful.

Qi Anan watched Jiang Lu casually wash off the blood on his hands at the creek, and returned to the original road in silence. She was thinking, okay, the future is long, and she needs to get closer to the cub little by little ...... suddenly she blinked.

She patted her head and followed Jiang Lu far away.


Jiang Lu only washed his hands by the stream. He had been holding the kitten in his arms just now, and there was also a large dark red bloodstain on his chest. He met a few neighbors on the road, and saw that all of them showed disgust at the same time, and walked around him unabashedly, as if they would get dirty when they got too close.

Jiang Lu's expression was as usual, but when he reached the door of the house, he stopped and looked back.

There was no one around behind him.

 His pupils were dark, showing a mocking look, and he curled his lips slightly, turned and walked into the house.

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Monday, January 10, 2022

Chapter 2 "Don't Get in the Way." part 1

Jiang Ning hurriedly said: "I just wanted to help you!"

The things that the soul saw after death were vivid in her mind. Jiang Ning knew that the teenager in front of her was her savior, but also knew that he had been treated as a monster living in an isolated ancient fortress by others since childhood, taking pity and mocking eyes,and he must be very sensitive to this.

So Jiang Ning said again: "Don't worry, I will never make fun of you." The more she talked, the more strange she felt, and she added hastily: "Not only to you, as a three-good student in the 21st century, I  will be absolutely not discriminate against any disabled person."

As a result, the boy's eyes staring at her became more and more frozen.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Yan Yixie slowly put the bag of medicinal wine into the bag on the left side of the wheelchair, then put the black umbrella in front of him, and fastened the buttons on it with slender, pale fingers, and suddenly looked down. He said expressionlessly: "Before you court death, does anyone want to apologize?"

Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment, and then realized that these words were not meant for her.

She turned her head and followed the housekeeper's line of sight, and saw a few condescending teenagers walking down from the top of the seaside ramp, who seemed to be older than her and Yan Yixie.

The arm of the leader has tattoos on his arm, and he is smiling and looks a little familiar.

The tattooed man said with a smile, "Apologize? Go laugh your ass off, are you dreaming?"

Everyone around him laughed.

 "A cripple, and still so brave? I told you to pay the protection fee and I'll let you go, but you still don't listen? Be careful I beat you up every time I see you."

Jiang Ning knew who this person was. He was a famous gangster in the vocational high school next door. He often went to No. 1 Middle School to collect protection fees. Until he entered high school, many boys were blocked by them in the alley.

Yan Yixie stopped talking and pushed the wheelchair slowly forward.

"??? What is he going to do?" Jiang Ning asked.

But the housekeeper in the black suit ignored her.

 "Yo, this cripple is very courageous. You don't think that because there is an adult behind you, you have a protection/umbrella. There are six of us."

The tattooed man weighed the iron bar in his hand and said arrogantly in a rather middle-aged tone, "Be careful not to only lose both legs, but lose both arms as well."

Several people smiled and surrounded Yan Yixie.

The butler in the black suit still folded his hands, stared straight ahead, and stood there, like a sculpture, motionless.

Jiang Ning was so anxious, she grabbed the butler and said, "What's your name? Are you not his butler, why don't you help him?" 

Only then did the butler move his eyes slightly, and glanced at her and said lightly: "Little girl, you do not know, the young master is proficient in karate and Japanese kendo, it's useless for me to go there,  just now it should be that those people sneak attacked him from behind, otherwise he would not have been pushed down."


Seemingly amazed that she would actually show a little more concern for someone like the young master, the butler gave her one more look.

As soon as the words left his mouth, there was already dead silence over there.


Jiang Ning turned her head and saw that there were several people lying on the ground, all hugging their legs, as if they were broken, showing expressions of pain and horror.

That ordinary black long-handled umbrella was as fast as a sword, and as fierce as the north wind.

The young man in white had his back as straight as a bamboo stick, his fingers that were pale and bloodless like jade rested on the umbrella button, glanced at the two dumbfounded people who were still standing, and said lightly, "Don't you two want to apologize either?"

 "No, no, no, no." The two of them fought each other and stammered,  "Yes, I'm sorry, we shouldn't, shouldn't bully you."

"Is that so?" Yan Yixie sneered, "Bullying me, are you worthy?"

The two men's faces turned even whiter and, not caring about the man lying on the ground, they turned and ran away in a huff. One of them fell and was grabbed by the other one and pulled wildly.

Jiang Ning: "..." 

The housekeeper only moved at this time.

He strode over, picked up the collar of the tattooed man who couldn't get up, and dragged him towards the beach.

The tattooed man screamed all the way.

There are still many children playing at the seaside, and even a few adults, either covering their mouths and looking over in horror, or not daring to watch the fun, and have left in a hurry.

The next second, the tumbling sea slapped over, and the butler pressed the tattooed man's head into the rising tide without saying a word.

The tattooed man couldn't even scream, his hands and feet kept slapping the ground, but the tall butler was like a rock, motionless.

The teenager in white clothes and white trousers pushed the wheelchair over, looked at the sea reflected by the setting sun in the distance, and asked, "What is the upper limit of the average person's breath holding time?"

The housekeeper replied without turning his head: "Three to five minutes, but for such a waste, you should only be able to hold it for a minute or two."

"To be able to stop me in the middle of the road, is not some kind of waste, I think he can hold for at least an hour, what do you think?" Yan Yixie poked the tattooed man's buttocks with the tip of his umbrella and said lightly without raising his head.

The tattooed man struggled even more, using his hands and feet together, and digging a big hole on the shore in despair and fear.

After an unknown amount of time, the pale boy made a gesture, and the butler let go.

The tattooed man didn't dare to look back at the monster. He was supported by a few companions and left there like a water ghost. It's not an exaggeration to say that he was trembling.

Jiang Ning: "..."

Witnessing the whole process, she was still standing on the ramp, and after a long time, she slowly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

If not for the fact that the one in her shell was an adult, she'd be running home now and calling her mother.

Everything was different from what she had imagined.

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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Chapter 1 His gaze was cold and silent, indifferently scattered with a chill ...... part 2

   The female partner is rich and wealthy, absurd and her broad brain circuit is also strange, eat loves the face of the male lead and also heartily despises him. At a young age, she learned to take care of people like her own parents. Being rejected, she couldn't save face, so she came up with all kinds of ways to belittle him. She was so foolish, and the male protagonist's already difficult situation was made even worse.

    Even the only woman who is a bit compassionate to him in her beautiful incarnation, also let the villainess make a bunch of misunderstandings, every three or two days there is a crisis of trust, and since then the male protagonist has gone black on the road of abuse.

    The biggest turning point in Jiang Lu's life was the night he turned seventeen, he used a sharp knife to stab a dozen holes in the two men Qi Anan called to insult him, and finally calmly turned himself in for sentencing.

    However, such a sinister murderer who held a butcher's knife high at a young age did not ruin his life. He grew stronger in prison, and after he was released from prison, he started from scratch. In just a few years he became a new businessman who turned his hand into a cloud and turned his hand into rain, and started a crazy revenge against the people who had humiliated him.

    Qi Anan chase to this point: ah ah ah, goose, why are you so good! Slap in the face, slap in the face! Mom loves you, Mom is proud of you!

   It is true that the plot has been refreshing and refreshing all the way from then on. The villainess falls from the clouds, and she loses everything bit by bit like a blunt knife cutting her flesh. It's hard to die at a young age, and the miserable people applaud(TN: couldn't get this line). She did  a variety of heartless misunderstandings which are also clarified one by one, and the male and female lead gradually come together again.

   I still remember the first time when the female lead villainess in the book went to beg Jiang Lu with tears in her eyes, Jiang Lu sat indifferently on the leather sofa, crossed his long legs, glanced at her with disgust, and said in a cold voice, "Get out and kneel. , you stained my floor." It was a blast, he was so handsome that it made people call my mother's eldest son.


    Now thinking about it, Qi Anan's head hurts.

    Qi An'an rubbed her hair irritably, rubbed twice and then she stopped - wait, what's so confusing? She is the first person to attack support the CP, and now that the paper man is alive, God gave her such a good opportunity to let her experience immersive happiness, what a happy thing!

   With her there, everything the villainess does will not exist, there is no bullying and no misunderstanding, her goose and swan will grow up happily together, sweetly from the campus to the wedding dress!

    As long as she the pro-mother fan is in place, I believe she can turn this invincible abusive novel into a sweet campus favourite.

   While thinking about it, the housekeeper suddenly came to knock on the door, and his voice clearly showed a trace of nervousness: "Miss, everyone is ready, and the road is blocked, but today don't know why he hasn't come, Miss, wait patiently..."

    Just from this paragraph Qi Anan will know where the plot enters, this is the beginning of Jiang Lu's dark life - Qi Anan just transferred over, fell in love with Jiang Lu's face, after inquiring and found that this teenager comes from an unpleasant background and with no backstage, it moved her to play with the idea of raising.

   Today is the day "she" is about to kidnap Jiang Lu back home, it is their first meeting, full of contempt and insults.

    "No, no, no, no, no," Qi Anan stood up and waved her hand, "let them go back, don't move him."

    After thinking, she added, "Uncle Chen, tell the driver to get ready, I ...... I'll go and see for myself." She remembered that this housekeeper's surname was Chen.

   Butler Chen was stunned for a moment. His young lady was usually gloomy, just like her parents. Today, she looked a lot more pleasing, her eyes were clear and childish. Even calling him Uncle Chen so politely, the housekeeper rubbed his hands in a bit of flattery: "Then, then I'll arrange it, miss, you..."

   Qi An'an was thinking about what her good cub looked like, and was dying of curiosity. Seeing Butler Chen's expression of being hesitant to say anything, she realized it later, that the other party probably thought that she was going to fight in person to be a female bully.

    This damned unlucky villainess, Qi Anan secretly slandered again, and smiled at the Chen housekeeper: "Uncle Chen, those things I said before are nonsense, I will not ...... bully my classmates."

    The good education and strong growth of Qi Anan, from a psychological and physical level can not really say the word "raising".

  Butler Chen didn't seem to believe it, and left with a worried look. Qi An'an didn't explain any further, and got in the car and drove to the school with the driver. 

She thought a lot along the way. In the book, Jiang Lu's situation was already very bad before she turned around. Because of his too beautiful appearance and his mother who didn't know how to restrain herself, all kinds of labels and rumors were posted on him. , the book even describes a wretched middle-aged uncle who looked at him frivolously.

    To let the beloved cub grow up healthy, first of all, people must know that he is covered by someone and so they dare not bully him casually. About this Qi Anan quite confident. She doesn't dare to say anything else at this moment, except that she has money. Her father donated a library to the school after she transferred over. In the school, teachers and students all know that she is a great Buddha and should not be messed with.

    When she first appeared, it can be said that she was calling the shots, everyone in order to please her, only became more aggressive in bullying Jiang Lu.

    Qi Anan was planning in her heart, then casually raising her eyes to glance, a back figure in front of her came into view, her eyes narrowed, and she sat up straight.

 The boy in front was thin, and his wide school uniform was somewhat empty, making him pale and thin. He walked forward with his back to Qi An'an, holding something in his hand. Dark red liquid dripped down in front of him and landed on the road and the washed white shoes.

    This is ......

   Qi Anan patted the driver's seat: "Master quickly stop." 

   She remembered this episode. The man Jiang Lu's mother brought home thought the kitten raised by Jiang Lu was noisy, so he brutally threw it to death, Jiang Lu held it and wanted to bury it properly,  but Qi An'an's people kidnapped him halfway, from then on he fell into hell.

    At that time, when watching this episode, Qi An'an almost died of anger. This kitten was a rare warm little thing for Jiang Lu for more than ten years. She knewhow much pain is in the heart of her cubs.

    Qi Anan got out of the car and took three steps to catch up with the teenager: "You ...... wait a minute, wait a minute."

   The teenager stopped in his tracks.

    He turned his head, and his black and white eyes looked over, revealing a sense of clarity for no reason. It's just that his eyes are cold and silent, like being wrapped in ice and snow, with an indifferent chill.

    He was holding a kitten covered in blood, his gestures were gentle, but the little thing's eyes were tightly closed and it looked like there was no breath.

    The pale teenager was holding the little kitten that was out of breath, the image in the book that made her turn over and over with heartache, now came alive in front of her eyes, and Qi Anan immediately identified the identity of the person in front of her. But she can't care to be stunned by the face in front of her. And before she had time to immerse herself in CP, she experienced immersive anger because of this scene.

   However, before she could open her mouth to say the next sentence, Jiang Lu withdrew his eyes casually and his thin lips slightly opened.


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Friday, January 7, 2022

Chapter 1 His gaze was cold and silent, indifferently scattered with a chill ...... part 1


The night before Qi Anan wore the book was spent in a crusade.

    "Live a long time to see that this book actually has a true feeling of CP fans? Amazing." (TN: a CP fan is a fan of a couple)

    "Sister, what kind of magical species are you ah? You can even like such a white lotus female lead?"

    "Kneel for Lu Lu Dome! (TN: not sure about this) Garbage heroine does not deserve it! CP fans do not come here ky." (TN: Anyone knows what the ky is for?)


    The "No Ferry" is this year's hot novel, the beautiful, strong and tragic male lead was shaped extremely well, he was born from a lowly, muddy whore. From the son of that woman to the business tycoon overturning of the clouds and rain , the bumpy and rugged road of his life caused book fans heartache. This time the news of the upcoming film and television has set off a trend of topics. When netizens were discussing it, Qi An'an said, "Wish you success! Goose children and goose, you must be happy forever!" and she pushed herself to the forefront.

  Forgive her for never paying attention to the comments section when reading the book, until today she found herself standing in an arctic circle, those kowtowing to the CP is really not much, fans loved the male lead and at the same time overwhelmingly hated the female lead.

    At first Qi Anan also tried to find allies: "Those are the relationship destroyer's doings1, the female goose is essentially good, she did not open God's perspective so she does not know anything ah, if not for the destroyer they two would have long been sweet, how do you all scold the heroine? Is it not the vicious female match that you should hate?"

   It's no use, the army of crusaders was getting stronger and stronger.

    "Don't be funny, these days there are still female leads listening to others say two sentences and misunderstanding the male protagonist?"

    "Can't see kindness, only brainlessness."




    With ten fingers it is hard to beat ten million fingers, Qi Anan quickly gave up her Buddha nature.  Forget it, geese and swans are all her heart and soul, if no one else kowtows she can kowtow on her own well, she does not care.

Anyway, everything is to blame on that vicious female supporting actress (TN: aka villainess), who is stupid, poisonous, and arrogant! She also has the same name as her! Huge! Obnoxious! Disgusting!

    Curse her, curse her! Qi Anan transferred all the netizens' grievances to the damn villainess in the novel, pulled up the quilt, and went to sleep.

    When she opened her eyes again, the sky had changed.

    She was became the villainess that she cursed a hundred times yesterday.

    That's right, it's the master misunderstanding maker and relationship destroyer in "Wudu No Ferry" (TN: where is this Wudu from), the villainess with the same name as her.

    This is an important character in the path of the male protagonist's growth, as an absolutely qualified book fan, Qi Anan can recite the contents of the book backwards with her eyes closed.

    The "No Ferry" is the male protagonist's career text, depicting the life of the male protagonist, Jiang Lu, from as humble as dust  to radiant. As an uncompromisingly beautiful and strong tragedy, Jiang Lu had an extremely dark childhood, his mother fell into the dust and secretly gave birth to him with the idea of being a mother with a son, but in the end the basket was empty and nothing was gained.

    So, for this son who has no use, she not only does not have any pity, but is full of resentment and disgust.

Since childhood Jiang Lu grew up under his mother's scolding, and because she never shied away from bringing men home, Jiang Lu was also under the contempt and cold eyes of those around him, and he grew from a child to a teenager, suffering from torture and humiliation.

    His embarrassing birth and meaningful rumors spread throughout the school, and everyone disliked him for being dirty and disgusting.

    After the appearance of the villainess Qi An'an, Jiang Lu fell even further into the abyss of hell. This female pervert took a fancy to his face - the youthful teenager's looks followed his mother's, exquisite and beautiful, and his natural lips were red, filling his face with a lot of lustful lust looks.

(TN: guys when I do strike through like above, its usually when I'm not sure if my word change is right and I want you to see what the raw MTL said for yourself)


1 The MTL here had 'shredders of the Civil Affairs Bureau', so I went out on a limb (am I using the phrase right, great I can't even English right) and put relationship destroyer as the translation. When I see Civil Affairs Bureau I think marriage, so I thought it meant maybe marriage shredder and shredder isn't really right in English so I changed it to destroyer. I could be completely of the mark, so just pointing it out here. I could be completely wrong though, so yall can check out the raws and tell me if you figure it out.

Oh and the gooses thing was explained at the end of the synopsis, so just click on table of contents to see it.

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Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife


Author: 一杯甜茶

Genres: Josei, Romance,Childcare, Rebirth

Yuanyuan is the last life steward system in the future world. After 5023, all mankind has entered the era of mechanization. Unfortunately, she will be destroyed. After being destroyed, Yuanyuan discovered that she had actually traveled to the 1980s when supplies were scarce. She became the second cannon fodder who abused her nephew and niece. She was finally cleaned up by her husband who was an officer. She was abducted and trafficked to her death in the mountains. 

Shen Huai has a handsome face and extraordinary aura. As soon as Yuanyuan approaches him, she has a steady stream of energy supply, filling her with energy. There is such a good energy in front of her. She can't get a divorce when she says nothing. She sees a man's body compare with each other day by day. A good day, but the look in her eyes is getting more and more wrong. (TN: part of me feels it meant to say 'his' eyes as in the ML but I can't be sure so I'm leaving it)

I heard that Shen Huai brought back a daughter-in-law from a rural town. Everyone thought that the girl from a small place had never seen the world, and she must be ugly in a big city, but she didn’t understand etiquette. I didn’t expect this girl to stun everyone with her fluent English. The state banquet chefs clapped their hands for good dishes. The Shen family thought that this was already very good. They didn't know that the girl could cut, cultivate, animal husbandry, pharmacy, acupuncture, brewing, craftsman, the whole decathlon. While everyone was envious, jealous and hated, they all sighed that Head Shen really picked up the treasure. Everyone in the army heard that Shen Huai was often in a daze because he missed his little wife at home, and his comrades all wanted to know how beautiful his sister-in-law was, so that the cold and abstinent head could not think about it. On the day Chen Yuan entered the military hospital, she was said to have caused a sensation because of her high appearance, which led to an increase in the registration rate. One-sentence introduction: Relying on food to conquer the cold husband's intention: work hard to make progress every day.

This is of course, NOT MY STORY AT ALL. I'm just translating the original to English.

Please support the original author  一杯甜茶

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Why, why stare at her like this? ... part 2

      "What are you staring at? Can I still not control you, you little brat?" Grandma was startled by Jiang Ning's stare and tugged at the broom, but it didn't move: "Your mother will be back from work later, I will let your mother clean you up! If I don't take care of you, you can do anything!"

      The sound of the engine stopped outside the courtyard just as the words fell.

    This year, Jiang Ning's mother's company profit is good, she changed to an SUV, and also hired a driver to follow the business. The Jiang family is not rich and wealthy, but they do not worry about food or clothing.

    Jiang Ning's eyes flashed, then suddenly she ran to the courtyard water tank, and fiercely stuck her head in.

    Wang Sufen and Jiang Ruo Rou: "......"

    Zheng Ruonan walked in with a bag and a tired face, and as soon as she came in, she saw chickens and dogs jumping in the yard.

    She pressed her temples and frowned, "What's wrong again?"

    Before she could see what was happening, a little white milk bag came flying over, crying and jumping into her arms.

    Little Jiangning lifted her wet head, water hanging from her eyelashes and her eyes were red and heartbreaking.

    And also sneezed: "Mom, my sister pressed my head into the water tank!"

    In my last life, I was too stupid to leave home without saying a word because I was falsely accused, without even explaining, so who would believe me.

    She also dragged her mother to look for her for a few days, causing a high fever, directly letting the already strained body to become even worse.

    Later many years, even if Jiang Ning had career success, she regretted more than once, if that time she did not leave home, and her mother did not get wet, is it not possible that she would not die prematurely?

    In this life, when Jiang Ruo Rou dropped one tear, she would drop ten lines, let's see who can beat who.

    Zheng Ruonan froze for a moment, little Jiang Ning is very rebellious in these years, it has been a long time since she was properly called a mother.

    "What the hell happened?" Zheng Ruonan's expression turned serious.

    Wang Su Fen and Jiang Ruo Rou were both stunned by Jiang Ning's shamelessness.

    Jiang Rou Rou was the first to react, her tears falling down in a line: "Auntie, I didn't."

    "Why are you still so evil?!" Wang Sufen picked up Jiang Rou Rou's skirt and showed it to Zheng Ruonan: "Ruonan, look, just because of the dance class, Ning Ning pushed Rou Rou down from the window and she fell on her knee. I'm telling you, with Ning's vicious temper, if we don't discipline her, it will be too late!"

    "Mom, I didn't either." Jiang Ning cried even more fiercely than Jiang Rou Rou: "How come when I say my sister is bullying me, I'm the evil one, but when grandma says I'm bullying my sister, I'm not the evil one?"

    Wang Sufen looked at Jiang Ning in shock: "Could it be that Rurou would deliberately hurt her knee? Is she stupid?"

    Jiang Ning used her words to attack her, "Then would I have buried my head in the water tank by myself? Am I stupid?"

    Jiang Ruo Rou: "You just--"

    Jiang Ning cut her off, "Mom, look at how sister can say anything to frame me, yi yi yi yi."

    Jiang Ruo Rou and Wang Su Fen: "............"

    Zheng Ruonan did not witness what exactly was going on, but it could never be that Jiang Ning was unilaterally unreasonable.

    This daughter of hers has a strong character, and if she is not greatly aggrieved, she will not cry easily.

   "Both of you should reflect on yourselves." Zheng Ruonan decided to beat each of them fifty times. (TN: treat them equally I guess)

    In order to keep outsiders from gossiping, Zheng Ruonan has always been more gentle with Jiang Rourou over the years. And since both of her own children were untalented, she could only be a little harsher.

    But what mother would not be distressed to see her child's head wet? She couldn't help but say a few more words to Jiang Rou Rou: "Rou Rou, you're the older sister, give more to Ning Ning, next time if you do that again, I'll have to deduct your pocket money."

    "Also," Zheng Ruonan looked at her mother-in-law again, "Why do you say they are arguing over the dance class?"

    Jiang Ning answered first, "Mom, I want to take dance classes too! My sister probably doesn't want me to go too, so she's framing me."

    "Ugh," her small face drops, her eyelashes hanging with tears, "I'm also used to it, my sister has a good personality, so everyone will definitely believe her."

    "............" Wang Sufen was about to die of anger, how has today's Jiang Ning person changed, like a new set of mind. She said angrily: "Are you not wasting money by taking dance classes? You have no merit, and you know nothing! Will the dance teacher look at you?"

    At this time, Jiang Rou Rou was the group's favorite because she was a soft and poor orphan girl, and everyone was very optimistic about her.

   No one knew that in a few years, she would disappear into obscurity, while Jiang Ning would grow to be more and more agile and stunningly beautiful.

    Not to mention in dance, but in other things, she is not as good as Jiang Ning.

    Zheng Ruonan may be unable to see Jiang Ning's small mind, but she found it interesting and asked with a smile, "Didn't you say before that you were too tired to go? Why do you suddenly want to go?"

    "Just want to." Jiang Ning pouted and rubbed her face on Zheng Ruonan's neck.

    "Then we'll go this weekend." Zheng Ruonan said, "Originally it was to send you both to dance lessons, but you didn't want to go, so you gave all your money to your sister and enrolled in advanced training classes. Since you want to go now, then starting next weekend, you both go to the general training class, okay."

    The three children of the Jiang family, money is spent on the edge of the knife, each with a budget.

    Jiang Ning figured this.

    Jiang Rou Rou ate her family's food and wore her family's clothes, but also wanted to go to the most expensive training course as a way to become the C position in her friendship circle, where can there be such a good thing?

    Jiang Ruo Rou is anxious: "Auntie, not ......"

    Zheng Ruonan, however, took Jiang Ning's hand and walked towards the house, interrupting her, "Okay, this matter ends here."

    Leaving Wang Sufen and Jiang Ruo Rou in the courtyard dazedly looking at Jiang Ning whose character had changed drastically.

  Inside the room, Zheng Ruonan wiped away Jiang Ning's tears, pulled her to her body and said sternly, "Ning Ning, mom obviously felt less energetic than before these two years, you have to be good, OK? Look at these eyelashes of yours ......"

    After talking too much, Zheng Ruonan was afraid that Jiang Ning would find her nagging, and be more rebellious, and she sighed long.

     Jiang Ning wiped his lower eyelid embarrassedly.

     This year she still can't do makeup, and she haphazardly bought some cosmetics to apply to her face, and made her plain face like a ghost.

    Just now, she stuck into the water tank, and her fly-legged eyelashes were already spent, so now she should look extremely ugly.

    Jiang Ning hugged Zheng Ruonan, with mixed feelings in her heart, and said, "I will be good in the future, not only will I not run after Xu Ming Yi, but I will also teach my brother well so that he will not do anything nonsensical."

    As for Jiang Ruo Rou, Jiang Ning felt that for the time being she could not directly reveal that she was an illegitimate daughter. This year Zheng Ruonan's health is very poor, Jiang Ning did not dare to risk stimulating her, must wait for a while for her mother's health to recover.

    Anyway, with her in, they will never repeat the mistakes of the previous life.

    Although Zheng Ruonan does not believe in her heart that her daughter will clean up her act, but hearing her say so, her heart is still much more ironed out, so she gently patted Jiang Ning's head: "It's good that you know."

    "Really, I promise, I'm going to the barber to cut off my dyed hair." Jiang Ning assured.

    Zheng Ruonan was finally surprised now and looked at Jiang Ning carefully, feeling that her daughter was like a different person.

    She said half-heartedly, "Are you really willing?"

    Before the words were finished, Jiang Ning opened the drawer and took out her small coin purse: "Mom, I'm on my way, it just so happens that my hair also needs a blowout."

    Zheng Ruonan looked at the figure of Jiang Ning rushing out, in a moment of shock for a long time.

    In her last life, when her mother died and her brother was imprisoned, Jiang Ning had not been back to the old house for many years, and when she returned, many blurred scenes in her memory became vivid again, and she could not help but feel some emotion.

    This area is a seaside city, planning is not yet so good, courtyards and high-rise buildings crisscrossed.

    And down the slope of this long street, you can see the sea, and a small river with this urban area, there is a carved fence rusted, overgrown ancient fortress.

    At first the fortress was empty, and children liked to go there to explore. Then a black limousine drove into the fortress, and inside lived a cold butler and a pale, gloomy, leg-disabled teenager.

    The kids didn't know any better, and it almost became a ghost story that there were monsters living inside.

    So from then on no one dared to approach.

    This also included Jiang Ning.

    Now that I think about it, in her last life she should not have avoided that teenager like a flood.

    Jiang Ning just retrieved his thoughts and found herself standing at the corner of the hutong, which is Si Xiangming's house, and Si Xiangming ...... is one of Xu Ming Yi's gang of friends.

    A group of teenagers often play basketball in this neighborhood.

    Jiang Ning immediately footsteps did not stop, hurrying away, preferring to go around the long way.

   Not far away, holding a basketball, wearing short sleeves,there was the feet of several teenagers and the head of one paused.

    "Jiang Ning?"

    A boy with ice cream in his mouth next to him followed Xu Mingyi's line of sight and looked towards the back of the alley, but saw nothing: "Is it that little butt-head of yours again?"

    They knew that Xu Mingyi and Jiang Ning had moved here on the same day and he had protected Jiang Ning several times, and since then Jiang Ning had been clinging to Xu Mingyi.

    But it is true that because of Xu Mingyi, no one in this area bullied Jiang Ning, at most flirting with two sentences.

    "Damn, hurry up and go, don't let her stick." Another person hurriedly pushed everyone forward: "With your little heel flailing about, standing on the side watching us play basketball I am too embarrassed, Hu Qiqi is pleasing to the eye."

    The fourteen and fifteen year olds are in their second year of school, and they all know what they need to know, so they all agree that Hu Qiqi of class five looks good.

    Xu Mingyi did not follow their flirtation, but he also felt embarrassed, he twisted back: "What nonsense, let's go play basketball."

    Other people don't know, but Xu Mingyi knows, Jiang Ning's body is beautiful, her skin is also white, in fact, she is a beauty embryo, just not yet developed, and she likes to make her hair like weeds, and wiped her face with all kinds of strange things that cover up the beauty.

    But she has a terrible temper, always bullying an orphan girl in the family.

    It caused the teenagers in the area to have a bit of a problem with her.

    I don't know if he was wrong, she just had tears hanging from her eyelashes.

    Xu Mingyi could not help but turn his head towards the back again to look at the eyes.

    ...... Jiang Ning did not catch up.

   Is she lost? This area of ​​hutongs loops around, and girls are crazy about roads. (TN:not clear here)

    Or are you still unhappy that he didn't bring her to go fishing a few days ago?

    Or t because Hu Qiqi was next to him?

    It's really annoying, telling her not to follow him, but she always follows him, causing him to be laughed at by so many people.

    In case she is lost, he still has to go find ......

    Although thinking so, Xu Mingyi still follows her footsteps in a beat.

     "Let's go, it's the last day. It will be dark if you don't go to the basketball court." Si Xiangming hooked Xu Mingyi's neck on tiptoe and urged.

    Hu Qiqi also looked at him.

    "You guys go first." But Xu Mingyi knocked his hand away and turned his head towards the alley where he had just seen Jiang Ning.

    Twenty minutes later, Jiang Ning came out of the barber store.

    Her request was simple: to cut off her permed and dyed hair, which was not in any way age-appropriate and weed-like, so the barber did it for her in ten minutes, and she also borrowed the barber store lady's makeup remover to wash her face.

    The sea breeze gently blew her short, ear-length hair, and the humid air hit her neck, making her feel brand new.

    The guy at the barbershop also felt that the young girl was a different person.

    Fluffy and clean short black hair, revealing a long and slender neck, halter dress, smooth skin, slender eloquent wrists and ankles, standing on the beach at sunset like a Japanese poster.

    He offered to take a picture of Jiang Ning, but Jiang Ning refused.

    At sunset, Jiang Ning was in an excellent mood, carrying ice-cream, bouncing down the slope of the beach, everything in this life is too late.

    Not even two steps out, a few children not far ahead pointing behind themselves, covering their mouths and laughing, showing sympathy and ridicule and dare not approach the look.

    At first Jiang Ning thought they were pointing at themselves.

    --Till the sound of wheelchair wheels unable to brake from behind from far and near.

    Jiang Ning thought of something, her heart suddenly rippled, she suddenly turned her head.

    The wheelchair carrying the teenager was sliding down the ramp quickly.

    In such hot heat, he wore a white empty long-sleeved and white pants, the corners of his clothes were bulging with the speeding speed by the humid sea breeze, and a long-handled umbrella in his arms, inky black, came out horizontally like a black ancient knife.

    The disabled teenager's cold, pale face turned extremely ugly because he couldn't control the speedy backward wheelchair.

    Jiang Ning could not think about why she met Yan Yixie here, and immediately pinched a sweat.

    She hurriedly threw the plastic bag containing ice-cream in her hand and wanted to rush over to help.

    But before she could rush over, the butler in a black suit who was shopping at the convenience store next to her had already taken the lead and rushed over and brought the wheelchair under control.

    "Sorry, young master, I was too slow and left it for too long." The butler wiped his sweat: "This is the medicinal wine you asked for."

    He handed the white plastic bag to Yan Yixie.

    There was no look of shock on the teenager's face, only grimness.

    He took it in shame and without saying a word.

    Jiang Ning watched from afar and sighed with relief.

    She picked up the plastic bag and walked over, asking hesitantly, "Are you okay?"

    She wasn't sure if Yan Yixie knew her now.

    If she remembered correctly, it was a year later in her last life before they crossed paths.

    In his previous life he had single-handedly created a business empire, transferred all his property to her name, and threw himself on the sword, becoming the villain who killed the murderer after her death.

    But the memories she left him always seemed to avoid him.

    Under the fiery red seaside sunset, Yan Yixie raised his eyes, and his handsome, stunningly pale eyebrows gave her a cold look.

    His eye sockets are slightly deep, his forehead hair is wet with sweat, underneath a pair of eyes seem to bring some foggy coldness, like a ghost in a deep ancient fortress that does not see the day.

    Why, why are you staring at her like this?

    Jiang Ning froze.

    After a few moments, he realized...

    Oh no, he seemed to think that she was one of the people who were laughing at him unscrupulously!

TN: Apologies for any inaccuracies. I'm a complete newbie translator and I don't know Chinese. 

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