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Friday, January 7, 2022

Chapter 1 Why, why stare at her like this? ... part 2

      "What are you staring at? Can I still not control you, you little brat?" Grandma was startled by Jiang Ning's stare and tugged at the broom, but it didn't move: "Your mother will be back from work later, I will let your mother clean you up! If I don't take care of you, you can do anything!"

      The sound of the engine stopped outside the courtyard just as the words fell.

    This year, Jiang Ning's mother's company profit is good, she changed to an SUV, and also hired a driver to follow the business. The Jiang family is not rich and wealthy, but they do not worry about food or clothing.

    Jiang Ning's eyes flashed, then suddenly she ran to the courtyard water tank, and fiercely stuck her head in.

    Wang Sufen and Jiang Ruo Rou: "......"

    Zheng Ruonan walked in with a bag and a tired face, and as soon as she came in, she saw chickens and dogs jumping in the yard.

    She pressed her temples and frowned, "What's wrong again?"

    Before she could see what was happening, a little white milk bag came flying over, crying and jumping into her arms.

    Little Jiangning lifted her wet head, water hanging from her eyelashes and her eyes were red and heartbreaking.

    And also sneezed: "Mom, my sister pressed my head into the water tank!"

    In my last life, I was too stupid to leave home without saying a word because I was falsely accused, without even explaining, so who would believe me.

    She also dragged her mother to look for her for a few days, causing a high fever, directly letting the already strained body to become even worse.

    Later many years, even if Jiang Ning had career success, she regretted more than once, if that time she did not leave home, and her mother did not get wet, is it not possible that she would not die prematurely?

    In this life, when Jiang Ruo Rou dropped one tear, she would drop ten lines, let's see who can beat who.

    Zheng Ruonan froze for a moment, little Jiang Ning is very rebellious in these years, it has been a long time since she was properly called a mother.

    "What the hell happened?" Zheng Ruonan's expression turned serious.

    Wang Su Fen and Jiang Ruo Rou were both stunned by Jiang Ning's shamelessness.

    Jiang Rou Rou was the first to react, her tears falling down in a line: "Auntie, I didn't."

    "Why are you still so evil?!" Wang Sufen picked up Jiang Rou Rou's skirt and showed it to Zheng Ruonan: "Ruonan, look, just because of the dance class, Ning Ning pushed Rou Rou down from the window and she fell on her knee. I'm telling you, with Ning's vicious temper, if we don't discipline her, it will be too late!"

    "Mom, I didn't either." Jiang Ning cried even more fiercely than Jiang Rou Rou: "How come when I say my sister is bullying me, I'm the evil one, but when grandma says I'm bullying my sister, I'm not the evil one?"

    Wang Sufen looked at Jiang Ning in shock: "Could it be that Rurou would deliberately hurt her knee? Is she stupid?"

    Jiang Ning used her words to attack her, "Then would I have buried my head in the water tank by myself? Am I stupid?"

    Jiang Ruo Rou: "You just--"

    Jiang Ning cut her off, "Mom, look at how sister can say anything to frame me, yi yi yi yi."

    Jiang Ruo Rou and Wang Su Fen: "............"

    Zheng Ruonan did not witness what exactly was going on, but it could never be that Jiang Ning was unilaterally unreasonable.

    This daughter of hers has a strong character, and if she is not greatly aggrieved, she will not cry easily.

   "Both of you should reflect on yourselves." Zheng Ruonan decided to beat each of them fifty times. (TN: treat them equally I guess)

    In order to keep outsiders from gossiping, Zheng Ruonan has always been more gentle with Jiang Rourou over the years. And since both of her own children were untalented, she could only be a little harsher.

    But what mother would not be distressed to see her child's head wet? She couldn't help but say a few more words to Jiang Rou Rou: "Rou Rou, you're the older sister, give more to Ning Ning, next time if you do that again, I'll have to deduct your pocket money."

    "Also," Zheng Ruonan looked at her mother-in-law again, "Why do you say they are arguing over the dance class?"

    Jiang Ning answered first, "Mom, I want to take dance classes too! My sister probably doesn't want me to go too, so she's framing me."

    "Ugh," her small face drops, her eyelashes hanging with tears, "I'm also used to it, my sister has a good personality, so everyone will definitely believe her."

    "............" Wang Sufen was about to die of anger, how has today's Jiang Ning person changed, like a new set of mind. She said angrily: "Are you not wasting money by taking dance classes? You have no merit, and you know nothing! Will the dance teacher look at you?"

    At this time, Jiang Rou Rou was the group's favorite because she was a soft and poor orphan girl, and everyone was very optimistic about her.

   No one knew that in a few years, she would disappear into obscurity, while Jiang Ning would grow to be more and more agile and stunningly beautiful.

    Not to mention in dance, but in other things, she is not as good as Jiang Ning.

    Zheng Ruonan may be unable to see Jiang Ning's small mind, but she found it interesting and asked with a smile, "Didn't you say before that you were too tired to go? Why do you suddenly want to go?"

    "Just want to." Jiang Ning pouted and rubbed her face on Zheng Ruonan's neck.

    "Then we'll go this weekend." Zheng Ruonan said, "Originally it was to send you both to dance lessons, but you didn't want to go, so you gave all your money to your sister and enrolled in advanced training classes. Since you want to go now, then starting next weekend, you both go to the general training class, okay."

    The three children of the Jiang family, money is spent on the edge of the knife, each with a budget.

    Jiang Ning figured this.

    Jiang Rou Rou ate her family's food and wore her family's clothes, but also wanted to go to the most expensive training course as a way to become the C position in her friendship circle, where can there be such a good thing?

    Jiang Ruo Rou is anxious: "Auntie, not ......"

    Zheng Ruonan, however, took Jiang Ning's hand and walked towards the house, interrupting her, "Okay, this matter ends here."

    Leaving Wang Sufen and Jiang Ruo Rou in the courtyard dazedly looking at Jiang Ning whose character had changed drastically.

  Inside the room, Zheng Ruonan wiped away Jiang Ning's tears, pulled her to her body and said sternly, "Ning Ning, mom obviously felt less energetic than before these two years, you have to be good, OK? Look at these eyelashes of yours ......"

    After talking too much, Zheng Ruonan was afraid that Jiang Ning would find her nagging, and be more rebellious, and she sighed long.

     Jiang Ning wiped his lower eyelid embarrassedly.

     This year she still can't do makeup, and she haphazardly bought some cosmetics to apply to her face, and made her plain face like a ghost.

    Just now, she stuck into the water tank, and her fly-legged eyelashes were already spent, so now she should look extremely ugly.

    Jiang Ning hugged Zheng Ruonan, with mixed feelings in her heart, and said, "I will be good in the future, not only will I not run after Xu Ming Yi, but I will also teach my brother well so that he will not do anything nonsensical."

    As for Jiang Ruo Rou, Jiang Ning felt that for the time being she could not directly reveal that she was an illegitimate daughter. This year Zheng Ruonan's health is very poor, Jiang Ning did not dare to risk stimulating her, must wait for a while for her mother's health to recover.

    Anyway, with her in, they will never repeat the mistakes of the previous life.

    Although Zheng Ruonan does not believe in her heart that her daughter will clean up her act, but hearing her say so, her heart is still much more ironed out, so she gently patted Jiang Ning's head: "It's good that you know."

    "Really, I promise, I'm going to the barber to cut off my dyed hair." Jiang Ning assured.

    Zheng Ruonan was finally surprised now and looked at Jiang Ning carefully, feeling that her daughter was like a different person.

    She said half-heartedly, "Are you really willing?"

    Before the words were finished, Jiang Ning opened the drawer and took out her small coin purse: "Mom, I'm on my way, it just so happens that my hair also needs a blowout."

    Zheng Ruonan looked at the figure of Jiang Ning rushing out, in a moment of shock for a long time.

    In her last life, when her mother died and her brother was imprisoned, Jiang Ning had not been back to the old house for many years, and when she returned, many blurred scenes in her memory became vivid again, and she could not help but feel some emotion.

    This area is a seaside city, planning is not yet so good, courtyards and high-rise buildings crisscrossed.

    And down the slope of this long street, you can see the sea, and a small river with this urban area, there is a carved fence rusted, overgrown ancient fortress.

    At first the fortress was empty, and children liked to go there to explore. Then a black limousine drove into the fortress, and inside lived a cold butler and a pale, gloomy, leg-disabled teenager.

    The kids didn't know any better, and it almost became a ghost story that there were monsters living inside.

    So from then on no one dared to approach.

    This also included Jiang Ning.

    Now that I think about it, in her last life she should not have avoided that teenager like a flood.

    Jiang Ning just retrieved his thoughts and found herself standing at the corner of the hutong, which is Si Xiangming's house, and Si Xiangming ...... is one of Xu Ming Yi's gang of friends.

    A group of teenagers often play basketball in this neighborhood.

    Jiang Ning immediately footsteps did not stop, hurrying away, preferring to go around the long way.

   Not far away, holding a basketball, wearing short sleeves,there was the feet of several teenagers and the head of one paused.

    "Jiang Ning?"

    A boy with ice cream in his mouth next to him followed Xu Mingyi's line of sight and looked towards the back of the alley, but saw nothing: "Is it that little butt-head of yours again?"

    They knew that Xu Mingyi and Jiang Ning had moved here on the same day and he had protected Jiang Ning several times, and since then Jiang Ning had been clinging to Xu Mingyi.

    But it is true that because of Xu Mingyi, no one in this area bullied Jiang Ning, at most flirting with two sentences.

    "Damn, hurry up and go, don't let her stick." Another person hurriedly pushed everyone forward: "With your little heel flailing about, standing on the side watching us play basketball I am too embarrassed, Hu Qiqi is pleasing to the eye."

    The fourteen and fifteen year olds are in their second year of school, and they all know what they need to know, so they all agree that Hu Qiqi of class five looks good.

    Xu Mingyi did not follow their flirtation, but he also felt embarrassed, he twisted back: "What nonsense, let's go play basketball."

    Other people don't know, but Xu Mingyi knows, Jiang Ning's body is beautiful, her skin is also white, in fact, she is a beauty embryo, just not yet developed, and she likes to make her hair like weeds, and wiped her face with all kinds of strange things that cover up the beauty.

    But she has a terrible temper, always bullying an orphan girl in the family.

    It caused the teenagers in the area to have a bit of a problem with her.

    I don't know if he was wrong, she just had tears hanging from her eyelashes.

    Xu Mingyi could not help but turn his head towards the back again to look at the eyes.

    ...... Jiang Ning did not catch up.

   Is she lost? This area of ​​hutongs loops around, and girls are crazy about roads. (TN:not clear here)

    Or are you still unhappy that he didn't bring her to go fishing a few days ago?

    Or t because Hu Qiqi was next to him?

    It's really annoying, telling her not to follow him, but she always follows him, causing him to be laughed at by so many people.

    In case she is lost, he still has to go find ......

    Although thinking so, Xu Mingyi still follows her footsteps in a beat.

     "Let's go, it's the last day. It will be dark if you don't go to the basketball court." Si Xiangming hooked Xu Mingyi's neck on tiptoe and urged.

    Hu Qiqi also looked at him.

    "You guys go first." But Xu Mingyi knocked his hand away and turned his head towards the alley where he had just seen Jiang Ning.

    Twenty minutes later, Jiang Ning came out of the barber store.

    Her request was simple: to cut off her permed and dyed hair, which was not in any way age-appropriate and weed-like, so the barber did it for her in ten minutes, and she also borrowed the barber store lady's makeup remover to wash her face.

    The sea breeze gently blew her short, ear-length hair, and the humid air hit her neck, making her feel brand new.

    The guy at the barbershop also felt that the young girl was a different person.

    Fluffy and clean short black hair, revealing a long and slender neck, halter dress, smooth skin, slender eloquent wrists and ankles, standing on the beach at sunset like a Japanese poster.

    He offered to take a picture of Jiang Ning, but Jiang Ning refused.

    At sunset, Jiang Ning was in an excellent mood, carrying ice-cream, bouncing down the slope of the beach, everything in this life is too late.

    Not even two steps out, a few children not far ahead pointing behind themselves, covering their mouths and laughing, showing sympathy and ridicule and dare not approach the look.

    At first Jiang Ning thought they were pointing at themselves.

    --Till the sound of wheelchair wheels unable to brake from behind from far and near.

    Jiang Ning thought of something, her heart suddenly rippled, she suddenly turned her head.

    The wheelchair carrying the teenager was sliding down the ramp quickly.

    In such hot heat, he wore a white empty long-sleeved and white pants, the corners of his clothes were bulging with the speeding speed by the humid sea breeze, and a long-handled umbrella in his arms, inky black, came out horizontally like a black ancient knife.

    The disabled teenager's cold, pale face turned extremely ugly because he couldn't control the speedy backward wheelchair.

    Jiang Ning could not think about why she met Yan Yixie here, and immediately pinched a sweat.

    She hurriedly threw the plastic bag containing ice-cream in her hand and wanted to rush over to help.

    But before she could rush over, the butler in a black suit who was shopping at the convenience store next to her had already taken the lead and rushed over and brought the wheelchair under control.

    "Sorry, young master, I was too slow and left it for too long." The butler wiped his sweat: "This is the medicinal wine you asked for."

    He handed the white plastic bag to Yan Yixie.

    There was no look of shock on the teenager's face, only grimness.

    He took it in shame and without saying a word.

    Jiang Ning watched from afar and sighed with relief.

    She picked up the plastic bag and walked over, asking hesitantly, "Are you okay?"

    She wasn't sure if Yan Yixie knew her now.

    If she remembered correctly, it was a year later in her last life before they crossed paths.

    In his previous life he had single-handedly created a business empire, transferred all his property to her name, and threw himself on the sword, becoming the villain who killed the murderer after her death.

    But the memories she left him always seemed to avoid him.

    Under the fiery red seaside sunset, Yan Yixie raised his eyes, and his handsome, stunningly pale eyebrows gave her a cold look.

    His eye sockets are slightly deep, his forehead hair is wet with sweat, underneath a pair of eyes seem to bring some foggy coldness, like a ghost in a deep ancient fortress that does not see the day.

    Why, why are you staring at her like this?

    Jiang Ning froze.

    After a few moments, he realized...

    Oh no, he seemed to think that she was one of the people who were laughing at him unscrupulously!

TN: Apologies for any inaccuracies. I'm a complete newbie translator and I don't know Chinese. 

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